Growing up Christian(cross posted from MySpace, Xanga)

Apr 06, 2006 20:29

Cross Posted to my MySpace Blog and Xanga Blog:

"Everyone wants to be born again, but what about the process of growing up again?"
-Steve Stockman, "'A Rock Band That's Good for Something'"

I love that quote. Yeah, we're all born again. But, I think of the rest of a belivers life is like growing up again. Becoming a mature christian. I'm not saying the perfect person though. I'm willing to admit it, I'd never be a mature Christian if it meant that I had to be perfect all the time. I'm nowhere near perfect. I'd love to be, but that just isn't gonna happen in this life. That doesn't mean that I'm just gonna completely ignore it and just do whatever the heck I want. I'm gonna try and strive to be better. It's something that I think is in that "growing up again" process. You strive to be the best person you can, and you try to reach for the goal of being as close to what Jesus taught as possible.

Now I know that that is kinda fragmented and all, but that's all that I could type at the speed I was thinking. I want to hear all your opinons on this one though. If you don't have an account here, I'll be cross-posting this at Myspace, and for those that don't even have that and maybe want to converse on this a little more, go to my LiveJournal account, which I will be opening back up just for these little things on my christian walk that come up that I want to talk about.
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