I have been reading into the whole 2012 stuff, that the world is going to indure a change and many of us won't survive. The last change was estimated to have happened roughly 2000 years ago. Here is a quote I found.
"Aquarian Age. The next in a succession of astrological ages each lasting roughly 2000 years. Fully inaugurated in 2012, the Aquarian Age will witness a radical change in consciousness, human sensitivity, and technology. The central change of this new age emphasizes an increased sensitivity and evolution of our power of awareness and a new relationship to our mind." (Yogi Bhajan, Mind p. 193)
I believe that the radical change we indured 2000 years ago was god giving us the Holy Spirit. I believed that people began to think differently, becuase of what the bible said, not what I am just starting to read. The bible talks about the wise men seeing a star. or did something get lost in the translation? Did they really see it in the stars, and know where to go because it was something that could be read? I don't doubt that thier could have been a light in the sky that they didn't understand, and so they followed it, maybe an angel or something. It just looks like something is going to happen soon. I was listening to the radio, and I don't believe everything that I hear on the radio, but this caught my attention, they say that I comet is heading towards the earth, and 2012 is about when it is going to hit. It also mentions a comet in 2012 in the bible code. Some say that anything can be found in the bible code it you are looking for it, i really don't know if that is true, but i have to say that it is really strange if it truely is in there.
http://exodus2006.com/2012code.htm We get a new president in november 2012... maybe we will elect the antichrist. stranger things have happened.
It is all just a little creepy. i don't know. I don't even know if I am buy into it. but what if?