on october 2006

Nov 11, 2006 09:28

Man, has it been a while! October went by pretty fast, what with the move, the mental marathon, Halloween...etc.

Cheeze and I attempted to carve a pumpkin. Of course, I had to do the grunt work of removing the pumpkin's entrails (of course). Didn't know pumpking carving would take so frigging long. As usual, we bought nice candy, expecting a throng of kids knocking on our door (our pumpkin turned out nice!) since so many kids play outside our place...WRONG! We only had three groups of kids knock on our door. But oh well, more candy for me.

Our pumpkin. Nice, eh? I heard Catch's was better, if she would only post a pic of it.

Modern day Snow White (or just a lazy ass costume dresser, you pick) with our pumpkin.

How Halloween-crazed are we? I just threw the pumpkin away a day ago, since it's starting to stink and mold. Maybe not crazed but lazy. :-)
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