Name: Ryuugamine Mikado
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Fandom: Durarara!
Timeline: Anime canon, post episode 17
Right here. In case the Wikipedia page gets mutilated (again), here’s the simplified semi-TL;DR version with SPOILERS if you have not read and/or watched the series:
Boy grows up with best friend in a small town in Japan, best friend leaves small rural town to go live in Tokyo, boy left behind feels trapped in small town and wants to make his life interesting, boy then gets a computer and discovers the internet, boy makes rumors with internet friends about a fake gang based in Tokyo and made website with secret password for fake gang, fake gang rumors were then made to be true when people started using the gang name, boy then discovers he is the sole founder left from the gang and the gang keeps getting bigger, boy now asks the BBS to help clear gang’s name, boy watches good Samaritan stuff happens, boy moves to Tokyo from an invitation from his best friend living in Tokyo to make his life more interesting, boy meets crazy interesting people that does not limit to: the cliques and gangs of Tokyo, his crush, a crazy stalker, the crazier stalker victim, the even crazier stalker victim’s sister, a fur-trimmed troll, a bartender, a black Russian sushi chef, an otaku gang, and a headless rider who rides an awesome motorcycle who’s considered a unconfirmed urban legend in Tokyo. Stuff happens between then, but the boy then proceeds to make his life interesting by connecting the dots between the headless rider, the crazy stalker, the crazy stalker’s crazier stalker victim’s sister and arranged the first meet for the boy’s gang to prove the even crazier stalker victim’s sister that she was wrong and make the crazy stalker and the headless rider meet in public, which the made unconfirmed headless rider who rides an awesome motorcycle urban legend into a confirmed urban legend due to people taking pictures when the headless rider fights baddies with her giant scythe first, then freak out after. Boy then deduces who crazy stalker is, tells the crazy stalker victim that her love is genuine despite the crazy stalker victim thinking that the crazy stalker was someone else he loves and accept it, boy is then getting advice from a fur-trimmed troll before said troll got chased away by an angry bartender, boy then goes homes and attends school like normal.
Boy then tries to confess to his crush afterwards and fails. Repeatedly.
Boy’s crush was almost harmed by a mysterious figure known as the Slasher, Slasher attacks more victims, Slasher goes back to attack boy’s crush and attack the local bartender, the real Slasher reveals themselves to the other Slash, real Slasher defeats other Slasher, urban legend comes and acknowledges real Slasher, real Slasher now has other Slashers in a gang. Boy’s crush was then sent to the hospital and boy is close to declaring a gang war with the Slashers.]
Character Personality: Translated into “Emperor of Dragon’s Peak”, people will think that Ryuugamine Mikado is going to be someone cool, charismatic, and probably good looking - that is, until they actually meet Mikado and will come to the conclusion that someone’s playing a fast one on them, until Mikado will awkwardly tell them Ryuugamine Mikado is his real name, no strings attached. Cue slight disbelief.
If one meets him, Mikado doesn’t seem all that different from other high schoolers in Japan, nervous smiles and a tolerant attitude aside. Shy and awkward (to strangers, at least), Mikado doesn’t stand out as much as the people he associates himself with - ranging from a headless woman to his wacky best friend, Mikado himself is mild mannered, polite and looks like a average student. He’s the type who’s responsible, thinks things through before making a decision, loyal to his friends and willing to back them up without hesitation, but does not have the means to fight in a brawl; instead, Mikado would rather run than confront violence if the option presents itself. Given the situation or the people he’s with, Mikado can be straightforward and honest, or try to help someone in trouble, be it friend or random stranger. Genuine in what he says and believes in, Mikado overall is a nice, sweet country boy living in the big city.
Which is why Mikado wants to change his so called average life into something more interesting. He wants excitement, he wants the heroes and the villains, he wants the clichés and the strange, he wants what most people could only dream of and he wants to do that by going to Ikebukuro, and did. When he has the opportunity to do something interesting? He’ll take it. How about the opportunity to meet someone who directly came from the rumor mill? He’ll go and bring cookies. Heck, he was willing to go face-to-face with someone who obviously has far more resources than him and managed to overwhelm them, asked the Black Rider to see if she has a head politely, and helped a random stranger who was coincidentally linked with former two. Mikado even managed to draw a connection between all three of them, which is no easy feat considering the three never met directly.
Which comes to a surprising conclusion about Mikado: even if he’s normal, Mikado’s pretty sharp on picking up the details people tend to miss and piecing them together to fit the bigger picture. Underneath all those awkward stumbles, sheepish smiles and polite manners is an intelligent boy who can easily read the mood, pick up on important facts and has a gang that’s composed of hundreds of people at his disposal.
Don’t worry though - he just started using them. It’s not like he’s going to turn into something else entirely, right?
Character Abilities: Physically? None. What Mikado does have is the uncanny knack for being observant: for example, he was able to connect the dots between an infamous urban legend, a girl with a scar on her neck and a missing classmate while organizing a mass meeting for his gang to engage with the head of a pharmaceutical pharmacy because of said the connection between the three women.
Was it ever mentioned that he leads a gang created online that he commands at beck and call within a click of a button has a member count of hundreds in Ikekuburo? Maybe even thousands? And no one, save for a handful of people, knows this?
Also internet savvy.
Character Weaknesses: He has no special abilities that could help him in a fight physically, none whatsoever. That means no super strength, no fire balls bursting out of his palms, no samurai sword skills, no anything that would differentiate him from any normal person in a crowd or defend himself with if trouble occurs, other than running away. He’s certainly naïve on how the world works at times, and like any teenager, can be prone to reckless behavior.
On another note, his curiosity and determination to make his life extraordinary will may someday land him in a dark, dark place someday. Just saying.
Why your character should be a Meister: Mikado wants to break away from the mediocrity of his life in favor for something far more exciting, so he seeks interesting people or at times, interesting people find him. Meeting these people is what seems to drive Mikado to be more confident and brave - along with properly dealing with his gang as leader, of course. Mikado doesn’t seem fit the archetype of a boss - being a boss means you have to be a little manipulative and underhanded if you want plans to go your way. What Mikado’s doing is taking those necessary steps to become a leader, no matter how small they are, and while being a weapon would be interesting, being a meister would help him develop skills necessary to lead his gang.
Soul Description: Curious; Perceptive; Ambitious; Sincere; Timid; Misleading
Soul Appearance: His soul is cerulean, sporting with what seems to be the fringes of his hair and bangs on top. Can either be smiling or smirking depending on his mood.
Manly Soul: Their soul has the power to inspire confidence and morale in comrades and allies.
[ NOTES ] As much as I love the Durarara!! book canon, Mikado’s going to be taken out of the anime since. Well, let’s just say major spoilers will be unveiled if the former happened.