Apr 08, 2024 20:30
Hi Sounis,
I dusted off my LJ account to come ask for your help because you all are the wisest people I know!
My mom's retiree book club reads a lot of WWII era historical fiction and I suggested that they branch out and try a new genre so they read The Thief. Now my mom would like to send out a list of questions to ponder before they meet to discuss the novel.
What questions would you ask people who are reading The Thief for the first time that highlight its briliance? My favourite way to engage in bookclub is just to highlight all my favourite quotes amd just read them aloud, but I don't think this method is going to cut it. I think one important question is around Gen being an unreliable narrator and if upon reflection you can pinpoint moments Gen tells us who he really is and I'll just sticky note the whole book for them to discuss.
I am going to go back and re-read all of The Thief discussion questions that have been asked in this group before, but if there was one question you would ask a person who experienced The Thief for the first time, what would it be?
Thanks for your help!