Thick as Thieves Day - We Made it! (SPOILERS)

May 16, 2017 04:09

Welcome to the early morning hours of Thick as Thieves Day. All this time, we’ve been trying to cure a seven-year ache.

First off SPOILERS! SPOILERS! SPOILERS! Depending on how sensitive you are to spoilers, I would not enter the realm of the comment section till you have finished the whole book. Presumably, spoilers for further on in the book will not appear in the threads for earlier chapters, but I cannot guarantee this. Remember who our authoress is?

Vent your initial reactions and squeeing here for the book in general or by chapter.

You may want to post reviews to the community itself. You can also start your own specific

discussions or post questions. All spoilers must be hidden under an LJ-Cut with a clear spoiler warning till at least a month after the official release date.

Those with arcs began discussing a few weeks ago. The Jamey Dodger Society is now unlocked and everyone can jump in on that, but remember it's full of spoilers!

Welcome to the other side, reprobates!

EDIT: New shiny thread for discussing Kamet's map.

EDIT #2: Wrangling in the reprobates! New links added for jumping to different topics.

Chapter One

- Kamet
-Other works that inspired TaT or are similar in theme.
-Nahuseresh's wife and... harem? Basically, Nahuseresh being his gross self.
-Bear Alert!

Chapter Two

-Laela's Pallor
-"It was not a very good production."

Chapter Three

-"His words were knife-edged."
-"By far the most eloquent non-speaker I have ever seen."

Chapter Four

- Costis's mad sword fighting skillz .
- Costis is camping.
-What the heck is Caggi?
-The word for death in Mede.
- Costis fighting a lion.

Chapter Five

-"Pay the fastener."

Chapter Six

-Boot Boy Gen

Chapter Seven

-Kamet & Marin + #onehotpieceofattolianmanflesh

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

-Eugenides's Seal

Chapter Twelve

-Breaking the news to Costis
-Gen's mysterious illness.

Chapter Thirteen

- Costis is super competent and a beefcake!
-The young Eurondite .
- Costis /Kamet Ship.
-Melehert's statue.
-The miscarriage. A hoax or truth?
-The Mede Empire. Where are we heading?
-Kamet's Coin.
-Why did Costis leave?

Off Chapter Threads

-The Cover
-Why is Ornon the Attolian ambassador to the Mede?
-Lizzy's Review


new book, kamet, thick as thieves, general discussion

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