I figured it out!

Jul 03, 2015 00:01

After many hours days months idle moments obsessing over our Book 5 words (dirt, gold, slave, lion, ship), I've figured out what MWT was trying to tell us!

Clearly, it's an anagram for "Sophos Averting Dill Lid." Must be some nasty pickles... or some tightly sealed jars. Sophos can't have that causing problems in Sounis, and he cleverly averts the problem by giving them to Gen, who couldn't open them anyway because of his hand. But Gen realizes their potential and ultimately ends up thwarting the Mede... by sending the emperor a shipment of dill pickle jars that HE CAN NEVER OPEN. THE HORROR. THE CRUELTY. DUN DUN DUN.

More funny Sophos anagrams found here! I also liked the idea of Sophos opening a dental office, but unless the Mede emperor had a lot of cavities, Gen couldn't use that to his advantage. ;)

(In other news, I think I'm going slightly crazy in the interim... anyone else want to analyze animal imagery [especially in ACoK!!! Lions and foxes, oh my!] or cry over potential parallels between the stories of the gods and Gen's fate [WHAT ABOUT GOD EUGENIDES HAVING HIS BROTHER DIE IN HIS ARMS] while we wait for Book 5?)

sequels, sophos

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