I've been enjoying the art that's gone up recently, and I wanted to share my own. So, after consulting my giftee...
*deep breath*
here are my two pictures. I'm kind of proud of of them because they're the first real fanart I've made. :) (Not counting the long-lost Harry Potter drawing I made when I was twelve). I don't know how to make art on the computer, so they're just photos of old-school paper.
I'd love any comments or feedback. :)
Hope the image posting/lj cut works.
"Talking to his gods"
Watercolour pencils on paper.
This is the scene in the old solarium. For some reason that room is very vivid to me.
Not totally happy with the perspective, but oh well. Click for link to embiggable version.
Pencil on paper
She's not perfect, but she's something like how I imagine her.
I'd still like to colour this sometime. And maybe add a garden behind her. :) Again, click for bigger version.
That's it! Thanks for looking.