Jan 18, 2005 10:05
My LiveJournal is taking on a new form for the new year. This will now be a "work journal" - a place for me to post notes and progress reports related to projects I am working on, i.e. music, writing, art, everything.
My reasoning is this: keeping a public record that could potentially display my laziness for all to see might shame said laziness into submission.
In other words, if I haven't updated for a week or so, I expect my friends to bug me about it. (If you're reading this, that means you. Or, if you are reading this and I don't know about it, show yourself! I welcome all comments and critiques, good and bad, from friends and strangers).
So here's what I've done recently:
I think I may have solved the "inspiration" problem, which was this: the inspiration to write music has usually hit me anywhere and everywhere, at any time other than while I'm at home in front of all my equipment. In fact, I found that the time when I'm most inspired is when I'm driving - and in my car is where I listen to most of my CD's. There are some bands that, whenever I listen to them, it's like I'm suddenly thrown into an alternate universe in my daydreaming mind. I can see my future...all the things that I want to do. But I rarely listen to music at home anymore...I'm either surfing the net or watching a DVD. So I'm going to make a mix CD, maybe a few, compiling all the songs that inspire me the most, and make sure to listen to that at home every day. That way, when I get an idea for a song, I'll be in the right place to do something about it. I'll post my "inspiration" track list soon.
Also over the weekend, a conversation with Stacy revived an idea for a book that I've wanted to write. I've been brainstorming about it a lot since then, and it has evolved into something that I now think would really work. It's a very ambitious idea, and I have no idea how long it would take me to write something like that, so I'm not going to put it on my Goals For 2005 list. But I will start doing some research for it, and that will be posted here too.
So, where do you get your inspiration?