Your Name/Alias: Marllone
Age: 24
Character: Nai
KarnevalCharacter Age: Unknown, appears to be about 13-14 years old
Canon: Welcome to the wonderful, wild world of Karneval where the elite defense force also doubles as a fantastical circus group oh-so-creatively dubbed "Circus". Enter Nai and Gareki, two boys who meet under truly explosive circumstances and quickly find themselves running away to Circus only to have it run away with them instead. Everything only gets crazier from here, as the two are swept into intrigue involving the inhuman Valga, the enigmatic Karoku, and the secret behind Nai's mysterious origins.
If you looked up the word "naive" in the dictionary, you'd find a picture of Nai. He is the very definition of the word, reaching a level of childlike ignorance of the world around him that is downright bizarre. He refers to an encounter with blood as "puddles of red water" and is strangely gullible and unaware of reality of the world around him. Despite his ignorance, he's blindingly pure, straightfowardly honest, and tooth-achingly sweet. On top of everything, he also possesses a sense of hearing so uncanny that he is able to detect the almost electronic whine of a bomb on a train... multiple cars away. The truth behind this inhuman ability is exactly that. Nai isn't human. Instead, he is the human transformation of the cute and cuddly niji, an extremely rare type of animal. How and why this came to pass is a mystery to even himself and may hold the key to all the mysterious goings-on in the world of Karneval.
Sample Post:
Oh! Oh! Um, excuse me, peely-faced man! I think I'm lost, and I'm having trouble finding the way out of this funny cave. I'm really happy to find someone else down here! Maybe you can tell me how to get out? ...'You fell for it too'? Yeah! I fell down that tunnel back there. It was so dark and slippery and kind of wiggly--
That's not what you meant? Oh, something that lead me in? Well... there were a whole bunch of signs outside of the cave with a bunch of words that were all drawn over. Words like... um... "DANGEROUS" and "NOT REALLY A CAVE WHATSOEVER YOU FOOL" and "MY GOD WHERE IS YOUR SENSE OF SELF-PRESERVATION". But then there were these other big, flashing signs that kept popping up like "FREE CANDY" and "PLAY NOW MY LORD" and "YOU MIGHT BE A WINNER". They got really mean and wouldn't go away when I told them to, so I just ran away to the cave instead.
I lost my hat climbing over some pointy rocks, and then I slipped and fell right away because the ground was so wet! And squishy! And, well, I kept hearing some kinda funny breathing noise, but I don't know why a cave would need to breathe. Then I fell down a wet, wriggly tunnel like I told you and ended up here! I know I don't know very much, and it's hard for me to understand lots of things, but I think there's something not right about this cave!
...Why are you hitting yourself in the forehead? You might get hurt!
O-oh. I'm sorry. I guess that hole was there already... Um. Anyway, I'd really like to get out of this cave now. It feels like my shoes are starting to get melty... a little bit like your face! Actually, you're pretty melty all over! So do you have any good ideas? ...We're going to try digging our way out? I didn't know you could dig with your teeth! I wanna try too...! Hey, the ground is starting to move...
A-AH! The whole cave is wiggling around! And I can hear a really strange wooshing-rumbling sound coming--
Ugh! That was a really not-fun way to get out of that cave-that-maybe-wasn't-a-cave. I got lost for a long time in that cave, and all I got was this slimy shirt! Gosh, the melty man with the hole in his head doesn't really look like he enjoyed it either. He left without even bothering to pick up his arm--
--No no no! Go away, sign! I don't care if I've "won a free Nintendo Wii"! I don't even know what a "Nintendo" is!
here at 89.7%!