mike, richard and i went to see kill bill vol. 2 tonight. i loved it. after some discussion it was decided that while not quite as good as the first kill bill, it was still worth the money to see it in the theater. i maintain that it was funnier than the first, but a bit more drawn out. i'm thinking that when it comes out on video i need to invest
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yeah, i think you need to watch both kill bills back to back to fully get it you know? did you like the eye ball part? [laugh]
i have the soundtack by the way. the first one anyway. i love the nancy sinatra song. :)
comming over soon? lots got done! stopped by your work to buy some stuff today, but you weren't there.
i got it...but i really want to get the boxed set. love both of the movies and adored the soundtrack. i think josh and i were talking about that as a matter of fact.
the funny thing about the eyeball things was that even though you told me about it, i totally forgot about it until about a split second before it happened. it was great. lol.
and i was going to stop over today while i was in oshkosh, but it took longer to do the stuff that i was doing than i thought it was going to and i ran out of time.
yeah i want to buy the box set too when it comes out. (and i know josh does) you have the soundtrack too? or did you just mean the movie?
that sucks, i was home all day pretty much. but...tomorrw i should be home after noon, and then before 5 i need to do my baby registry at target because at 6:30 josh and i have birthing class to go to. so, if you wanna come over, call me. (wait, you can't can you?) or just see if i'm home i guess. it'll be kind of a busy day, but i should be sitting at home doing stuff for a few hours in the afternoon.
and i can't do anything tomorrow, i have to work at 130 in the p.m. and before that i have to so some shit with my mom. the only time i would be able to make it is after ten and i'm sure that i'm going to be tired.
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