The Music Meme
- Open iTunes.
- Post what your Top 25 Most Played songs are.
- Write a little something about your top 10 songs.
- If you can, share your favourite from the list (whatever number it falls upon- sometimes shuffle is a bitch.)
Jessica's Top 25:
Jessica's Top 10:
Disclaimer: I haven't read what the artists actually wrote these songs about, or anything about any of these songs. Its just my interpretations and feelings I get as I listen to them.
I don't particularly know why I love this song so much, but I do. Paul's vocals are soft and comforting, like he's in the other room sitting on a stool strumming on his guitar sipping at his tea. Like he's a family friend, telling a story about this guy he knows.
I also feel this 'presence' if you will of John Lennon. Like... The song could almost secretly be about him? Even though if you follow the stereotype, it would be about Paul.
download Haha. This album, a compilation of Elvis love songs, is perhaps one of my best buys. I got this 20 track beauty for $0.99! As for the song I can't keep still when I listen to it, and its certainly not one you can keep quiet to... Even if you can't sing like myself. You just want to grab the person next to you and spin them across the dance floor its that catchy XD.
What else can I say? Elvis just makes me happy!
download Ethereal. That is the best way to describe this song. It tugs at my heart strings in the same way the song 'Moon River' does, and the fact that it is John Lennon's voice makes it... So much more. Harder to listen to, yet comforting. It has the magnificence of sounding like a part of a soundtrack, without sounding cheesy. It sounds like one of the old standards.
download This is another one that just makes me happy listening too XD Mick is just amazing, I can imagine him dancing to this song almost move for move. Is that pathetic? Perhaps, but I think that's just the type of singer he is. He puts that into you. Like Elvis with the hip shake, Mick has... Well it's more of a pelvic wiggle XD.
download I don't know what I expected when heard of this band, but this song certainly was not it. If you don't know the song, download it and listen to the lyrics...
My favourite line? So Brown Eyes I'll hold you near, 'cause you're the only song I want to hear
download Do I really need to say why this song is on here? I'm a little embarassed that it isn't up higher, oh well :)
download Another McCartney must have :) He did this song so well at the concert it was insane. I don't know how anyone can have the stamina to get through this song, let alone a full concert of songs like these!
download I'm a bluebird. I'm a bluebird. I'm a bluebird. Haha while I do like this song, I was kind of suprised to see this on the list. I like... Simple lyrics? Its a good song, sure. But if I were chosing the songs it wouldn't be on here. XD
download I'd much rather be with the boys. That's right. I'm all about closeted pelvic wiggling boys' empowering themselves! And who can blame Mick really? I'd much rather spend time with his boys too XD
download This is another one I'm a little suprised to see on the list, since it was just sent to me... But there it is, played 5 times. The song is great, but I wish Sunday Bloody Sunday had made it in the top 10... Of course it isn't right to compare that song to any other, not many would be able to compete fairly with it. You live your life like a canary in a coalmine, Sting is an expert on this is he?
download That was a little too much fun XD I uploaded the top 10, lots of music for you!