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Jan 08, 2007 19:18

Hello ElJay World! my, it has been a while.

How about a new year's survey that I stole from Katie?

2006 Survey
Answer the questions as they apply to the past year.

Age you turned: 18
Did you grow?: in what way? not much.
School/Work: finished high school, started college
IM Screen name(s): viajeraeuropea88
Best birthday gift: necklace from justin
Best Christmas/holiday gift: long black gloves
Most important thing you learned: you have to take charge of your life; don't just watch it pass by
Did your physical appearance change?: hair has grown a bit...
Did you, personally change?: yes and no
Best month(s): May, July
Worst month(s): oh, I don' tknow

Best friend(s): Kate, Kirsten, Caryne, Sarah, Kristi
New friend(s): Everyone at WM
Lose any friends?: yeah...
Lose any family members?: no thank God
Any new family members?: yes if cousins-in-law count. oh, and i have a half-aunt...?
Most influencial person(s): Mommy
Five people you started talking to: Justin, Joe, everyone i met
Have any crushes?: of course
How many relationships?: 1
Longest relationship: this year, a bit over 5 months
Shortest relationship: n/a
Did you have your heart broken?: not really
Status at the beginning of the year: single
Status now: taken
Status you want/ed to be: that doens't matter
Have any regrets?: i odn't believe in regret, but in learning experiences
Did you fall in love?: yes

Sports played/joined: Yes, ballroom dance is considered a sport by college
Clubs joined: ballroom dance club
Other activities (arts, drama, music, etc): i was going to do orch, bio, and other stuff, but didn't
Quit/drop any sports?: no
Quit/drop any clubs?: no
Any sports, clubs, or activites you wish you joined?: WM: Wizards and Muggles
Wish you quit?: no

Did you party?: a bit
Did you throw any parties?: riiiiiiiiight
Vacations: Europe, Missouri, Chicago
Best winter event: going to Chicago
Best spring event: WMZQfest
Best summer event: EUROPE!!!
Best autumn event: DCDI dance competition
Ever sneak out?: no
Get in any fights?: no
Any "firsts"? (first time trying things, going places, etc): yeah

Plans for the new year?: i sat on a couch and watched my grandparent sleep as the ball dropped on the east coast
Hopes for the new year?: express myself better
New Years Resolution: stay healthy
Goals you want to accomplish: get a decent grade in organic chem
Anything you're putting behind you?: hmmm... not really
Age you will turn: 19
Any big changes taking place?: not that i know of
Going anywhere?: yeah
What changes do you want to make?: i don't know, but they will happen

What college/university do you attend? The College of William and mary
Is it a private or state school? State
How many students attend? about 5000
Is your campus really small or really big? small
Did the designers try at all to make it pretty or is just buildings and cement? well, it's old and therefore pretty
What year are you? 1st, freshman
Is it a really old campus or pretty contemporary? ANCIENT, 1693 BABY
Do the asshole kids walking around constantly smoke, even if it’s 20 degrees out? eh, maybe

Student Life

Do you live in the dorms? If not, do you have your own apartment? Dorm: BARRETT!!!
Are the other students pretty wild or is it fairly quiet? fairly quiet, unless the boys downstairs decided to be stupid
Be honest, are there a lot of foreigners? not like, LOTS but they're there
Would you consider yourself a partier, nerd, burnout, or God fiend? N-E-R-D
How many nights a week do you drink, on average? 0
How many nights a week do you smoke pot? 0
Are your RA’s pretty cool or really strict? AMAZING
How much alcohol do you have right now? 0
What’s the craziest thing you have in your room? craziest? um, probably the nerf guns
What’s the craziest thing you have done in college yet? i'm a loser, i can't answer this question
Do you like your roomies? YES
Do you play any sports? i dance
How is your school’s football team? they SUCK
How many games have you gotten wasted at? 0


How many credit hours are you taking? 15
Are your professors pretty cool or not so much? depends, they're all right
What’s your major? bio at the moment
Are you going to minor/put an emphasis on any areas? maybe
Do you have any auditorium classes with over 100 students? Heck yes
Are you one of those kids that always sits in the same areas, even though there aren’t assigned seats? yes, i'm a creature of habit
Honestly, have you gone to all of your classes this semester? actually yeah
How are your grades doing in light of this? pretty good :-)

ok, that's it for now. i miss everyone!
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