For the 1169th time this person has gotten lost in the silence of her own head.
Sadie Mao [37]
Ice Romancer 123 456 789 101112 131415 161718 192021 222324 252627 282930 313233 343536 37 EMPTY spaceEMPTY space Haha, something must be really wrong. Since I'm once again using the warmer colours. I don't get why. But it's more appealing to me at the moment...
What I hate the most about snapshotting from Sadie PV's is... They have this fucking annoying thing they do with the camera. Unfocusing just about all the time. And when it's in focus again, it's such a brief moment you barely catch it. Especially Mao. I remember all the trouble I went through just to get some of those snapshots (glares). Agh...