(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 18:39

so i started my new job this weekend. afterwards i told mark that he had to die before he got old because i never want to see another 90 year old man's ass.
it all started out on friday when i had to drive in shitty weather to a farm in the middle of no where. the people were already asleep so i went upstairs to the room i am staying in, got my laptop out to watch a movie. about 30 minutes into Amelie i started feeling sleepy, figured i should get some sleep because Agnes and John are like most old people and wake up at dawn.
after about two hours of sleep i get up and start getting the couple ready for the day. i won't go into much detail but there were a lot of rubber gloves used and a lot of things i have NEVER imagined doing in my life. but it was better knowing that they need the help and really appreciate it.
at 3 i left the house drove back to milwaukee and straight to the head shop. the whole time i was thinking, "this couple has no idea i sell "legal pot" and blunts all day." strange. work sucked. i came home and i was exhausted. i still smelled like an old man so i took a shower and drank a beer. smoked a little and felt much better about the whole day. strange how a little green will uplift your mood by so much.
honestly, im not sure if this is the job for me, but i could really use the money and i friend hired me, so i would feel like shit quitting right away. plus, it would be a good indicator to see if i want to go back to school for nursing in the fall. even though this job is pretty much what CNAs do, and not RN's. we'll see though.
oh! and i was told that i am going to hell because i was never baptized. and i live in sin because i live with my boyfriend.
whats the difference if i live with my boyfriend or if im married anyways? well, i know there is a difference, but if there is a god, would he really care about something so small and indifferent? i hope not. and how Christian is it to MAKE your children go to church and never give them another option? or tell someone else that the choices their parents made were wrong? and that your whole life is meaningless because your going to hell anyways? Christians are probably the most deluded people i have ever met, but i keep my mouth shut. especially if this particular Christian is 90 years old. its not like i go around crushing people's spirituality with logic.
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