This is copied from my regular journal b/c I don't have time to write an individual one, b/c I'm going to bed. I miss you all and should be back this week, and continue and threads Eilir has open. Thief? We need to discuss plotty-things involving Eilir and your characters. Nao I has internets, now I can plot.
Aha! Okay, I think I actually have internet now. Yes, I know don't post terribly often, but this time the silence was mostly out of my control. I haven't had internet since moving week, around July 28th. Since then I have been working a lot and people have been leaving, and I've had my apartment to unpack, and been out of town for the last two weekends. Also, did I mention a powerful need to sleep sometime? So, yes, no internet activity, almost zilch. I didn't think it possible in this day and age. I haven't checked LJ, I don't know what's in my inbox, and I've been on FB once to see what time we were meeting Sam at the Mill Saturday night.
I think I'm on someone's private wireless. I hope they don't lock it like everyone else around me. I haven't decided if I can afford the extra fifty-or-so bucks for my own internet connection. I should be on more now, in any case. And school buildings and such will be open later when school starts, so I can actually use the school internet too.
Nothing much happening right now. I have to finalize stuff with the school. I realized the past four weeks have been insane, so I haven't done anything on that account. First I had bronchitis for a week and it knocked me out bad (not so bad as Ali forgetting the alphabet, but close), then it was move-and-pack-everything-I-own-plus-several-friends-every-day and work week, then I had to settle into my place so I could find anything and traveled the first two August weekends for family things. Then was this past week, and hell if I know where that went. All I know is I feel like I've worked my ass off and I don't have enough to show for it.
This week is the week of Things Must Be Done. Like bills, and school stuff, and making my landlords send maintenance out to fix my fire escape window. And install smoke alarms. And school starts next week?? When did that happen?
It's now 1am, and instead of catching up on goings-on (including the Rift thread that's been driving my brain nuts b/c I haven't been able to work on it) I am going to bed.