Sep 23, 2005 20:44
Today started out fine, the it got a lot better because i got to see Mr. Heggoy whom we all love and he made me simle! Then calc wasnt too bad...the it all came crashing down and SUCKED! I hate having an aunt who teaches at the school I go to. I hate printers, I hate floppy disks, i hate emotions, i hate weakness, i hate feeling out of control, i hate this school has sucked....and its not going to get any better.....we will be gone in less than a year, but its too long. I need to get away soon. I dont think I can go to MGA, which is very sad, and depending on where we go when we get there I dont think I can go on the NYC trip and christmas which is even sadder...i really want to go on that trip. Yes well, Im in a bad mood and had a bad day and all i want to do is curl up somewhere and sleep for oh, the next 100 years, so I shall stop writing now.........