I used to love to write. It used to come so easily. Now when I sit down and try to blog it's so frustrating and difficult. I have such a hard time expressing myself clearly. I wanted to be a writer so badly and now it's a pain to try and blog because I just end up erasing it.
It's not that bad though. I have this strange faith that it will return someday, that my head will clear and I'll be able to say what I mean, at least as much as I used to be able to. Right now I am concentrating on non-verbal art (not that I have ever made any real art with my writing). I have been sewing a metric fuck-tonne and I'm really pleased with where it's going. I am planning out this bad-ass fabric portrait of St Zita, a mummy saint. So. Fucking. Cool. AND--I'm partially done my craft swap meme! I only have a couple things left to make. I feel like my brain is practically overflowing with sewing ideas. Even if it's just for silly little magnets or iphone covers or whatever, it's so fun to do. I love working with my hands. It is so fulfilling to make something from scratch.
I sold my first photo-prints. I never expected to make a single cent off my photography so it was such a happy shock to sell a couple prints! I really want to get more into photography when we have more space. I plan on getting a studio set-up and learning to use the lights...we'll see how that goes. I want to take a photography class, too. I love taking photos so I might as well learn how to get better at it, if I can. I want a new camera and new lenses and all that junk. I'm so excited to move back to Canada if for the only reason that I will have a JOB and although working 40h a week is total bullshit, making enough money to live comfortably is not bullshit.
I am feeling pretty good physically these days. I think I have been eating pretty well, and I have been doing a fair amount of yoga (
I do online classes here, and I love them). My body looks good even though my boobs have totally shrunk almost TWO CUPS.
Ok, I am babbling on and I have to go feed the animals (ugh, sometimes it is such a chore!!! I hate having to handle meat every day but I know it's healthier for them so I persevere) and shower, so here are a few photos I wanted to share.
Here are the prints I sold.
This is one of my all-time favourites. I'm soooooo pleased with how this came out.
And, my newest tattoo, done yesterday by Mike. He also touched up my other birds and all three of them are going to look just killer when they heal and the colour can really pop. I can't wait for my hummingbird to heal so I can see its true colours!
Oh yeah, and: we're moving in about a month. It's starting to set in and I'm getting last-minute panic. So much to do, so little time! Fuuuuuuuck