I have felt pretty up and down lately. I wrote out this huge entry detailing all my recent let-downs and I realised I don't need to share that with you guys. It doesn't matter that bad stuff has happened because it's more important to look at all the awesome stuff that has happened recently.
1.) A photo of mine got featured on the KPBS
Culture Lust blog. I am so happy to get noticed!
2.) I'm in a video!! This is from the last fashion show I was in. The indie fashion show scene is something I am really going to miss in Calgary. There's this one girl in town, May Star, and she puts on 2 fashion shows a month. I've been in three and they have been so fun. Anyway, here's the video. You can see a snip of me at 1.12
Click to view
Oh yeah, here are some photos from that night!
I will post some behind-the-scenes ones later.
3.) Here is a photo of Buzz I really love.
I am going to be starting him on a raw diet in the next few weeks. I've read up a lot--does anyone reading this feed their animals raw? I read more about how pet food is made and I'm fucking disgusted. I guess dogs are easier to start on raw so as soon as his food runs out, he'll be on it. I'm going to try the cats too. There are super cheap whole finger-size fish at the grocery store beside my house, so I figure I can get my picky cats on board using them.
It kind of feels gross to be buying meat for my animals, because meat is so disgusting to me, but it's way more disgusting to be feeding my pets food that's super-processed and possibly hurting them. Grains can cause inflammation in dogs, and since we found out that Buzz has arthritis we're trying to help him live a pain-free life. Sometimes his shoulder gets so inflamed he can hardly walk, so hopefully switching to raw helps. I'm giving him MSM every day too, because it helps me so it will probably help him. Also it has a very low toxicity in people or dogs and hardly any smell or taste so it's easy enough to hide in his food.
4.) I feel like I am growing by leaps and bounds. Last time I did yoga this intensely, I had a period of intense self-examination and I dealt with some past trauma for the first time. It's happening again. I feel like my lid has been blown off and sometimes I don't recognise myself. Since I was 18 or so I was a certain way and now I'm being honest with myself and finding out I'm a different way entirely.
I used to hate to analyse and examine things in depth and now I am doing that all over the place. I'm looking over my past actions and finding out how horrible I have been to some people and how blind I was to my own actions. I'm clarifying a lot of things, and finding out exactly what I want. I'm being honest with myself and it's so painful. It's painful to admit to my failings and it's painful to be suddenly so emotional. I'm trying to learn myself inside and out and it's fucking hard sometimes.
I'm realising that for a lot of my life I have been very emotional, sentimental, etc and also for a lot of my life I have covered it all up to prevent myself from feeling or being exposed. I am trying to find my true self and I realise how fucking cheesy that sounds. I'm so bottled up--I've been trying to keep it in and not bore any friends with it but I just have to let it out. I feel guilty talking to Greg about it because I know it can be painfully boring to listen to someone else's constant self-exploration.
5.) My body is killer. I feel so strong and healthy. I have been going to the gym 3-4 times a week and doing yoga at least that much too. I am eating a lot better than I have been and I've lost almost 10 pounds! I'm the same weight as I was in the summer 2005--the last time I was as active as I am now.
Also, I feel super hot these days. Feeling a body-glow sure helps, but I love my hair and my skin is getting better and I finally feel like I have a good style going on. Hooray! I have had some pretty awkward periods (see: most of my life so far) so I'm happy to be gliding into a place where I don't cringe when I see myself in candid photos.
6.) Greg's parents gave us their truck!! Greg has wanted it for a long time and now we have it, hooray! He'll fly out soon and drive it back from Virginia. It has a camper shell so we can go camping in it!! And now our move will only cost us the gas, food and hotel money--that will be like $500 instead of the $2500 we budgeted for a u-haul. Plus, this means I can get a new computer!! We said we'd wait until the truck issue was resolved and now that it is we found a great deal on an awesome laptop. I might be getting one tonight. I am soooo excited. This computer-sharing thing can get pretty annoying. I miss IMing with my friends and having more time to work on photos. And now I won't have a finicky machine like my old ibaby! No offense, ibaby, I love you but...I need something a bit more dependable and something that, well, works.
7.) Oh yeah, a modeling photo I am really proud of!
8.) I am getting to be a pretty good cook! I used to be a horrible cook but things are looking up.
9.) I need some new LJ icons.
10.) Check out
my modeling portfolio. It's still a work in progress, but it's coming along nicely. Note: my boobs are totally all over the front page because I haven't made special thumbnails for it yet.
I hope everyone has a really lovely Friday and an amazing weekend!!<3<3<3