Jun 15, 2005 00:38
I let you all down and didn't post about the last minute SF show at Hang Outs 4 days ago. *hangs head in shame* So to those of you who would have gone, I'm sorry :( To those that made it, feel free to post about it!
On the bright side, the band didn't really expect much attendance, (with it being a last minute show in the 'burbs) so they were delighted by the large turnout.
There are a lot of things I can say about the band's last show like how they recovered almost flawlessly from difficult electronic problems, how brilliantly they sounded even in comparison to their last shows, etc...
Instead I just want to point out the guy/girl ratio. Now I was planted on a pool table for the gig so I couldn't count, but it seemed like there were only perhaps 5 guys in the whole place. (Ok, so possibly as many as ten.) Not only that, but everyone was beautiful! I mean a room full of "9-10s" on the "rating scale". So next time you're wondering where all of the sexy singles in the Chitown area are, check out a SF show -- once again proving they're all about the love <3.
In other news:
~ Martyr's has something screwy going on with their scheduling (it's my understanding that one of the bands had to cancel) so ixnay on the Soundframe show there until the new dates arrive.
~ They are in fact recording their new album, and the rumor is you'll be able to catch "Angel on my Shoulder" on 94.7 The Zone soon. This also means that you should feel free to request their groove from whichever station you love the most <3
~ They're also working on fun and fashionable merchandise that may or may not be for the entire family ;) Hurrah! Shopping!
There's more juicy gossip, but it'll have to wait. I hope all of you from Chicago got to enjoy this brilliant cool night tonight!
Catch you later, dahlings!