Dec 14, 2005 16:44
Eh, nothing much to say...I've been working hard but feeling like it isn't worth much in the long run...I don't mind living for the now right now, shit...I'm trying to write and all I can think about is work...My mind is being bombarded by this structure that I've prescribed to myself...I've become very uniform, thurough, clean, and punctual...
I do these things not out of my being such a disciplined person or anything, but as a distraction...All I think about is death...What happens when you die...Is it like passing out...No more existance...More on that later...
I put my hand in a glass half full of water, the water rose and overflowed out of the cup...This is how I can't help but see life at my vantage point latley...All I see is the world as an evolved state of energy, everyone displacing everything, the more we make right, the more problems...I feel like going into the future we will displace what seems small creating larger problems (what's small and large?), yet the generations born into it will not feel the effects of this displacement because they are born into that point of energy, socialized into it if you will...Yet someone like me who (hopefully) lives another 30 years will see the change and be overwhelmed...My goal is to always be ahead of the curve, this is so nothing suprises me and I don't become an old person secluded from the world I'm in...For instance, I KNOW we will create personal real estate in our waters and eventually in space(I find the coined word "space" possibly the most accurate naming of that vast expance outside earth) how do I know, because we have become or are a species determined to keep our own around, no matter where on the globe, soon the globe will be full...The other day I saw that there is already a program being pieced together to allow people to go into space as a "trip" or cruise if you will, over 30,000 names are already on the wait list...Soon we will laugh at those who paid astronomical prices (pun intended) to literally go look at the backyard of what we will be living in, much like we laugh at the "thrill" the flappers and news boys got when they were pushed down a ramp in a rickety cart and it was called a "roller coaster", now six flags can't pay people to go there...
I question if we move too fast for our own good, or if it's possible to move "too fast"...I believe if humans have done it, there cannot be a correct "time" for it to have happened, perhaps on a level of what we have created to be our society things may move to fast for the economy/government/etc. we have at hand, but ultimatley there is no time span for man, no correct placement of events...The ability and process carried out makes it the right time, or merely the time...
Is god real, I question his/her/its existance often...I can't tell if or what he does and if he is or acts through our subconscious mind, or if the subconscious mind is our God...Am I ruled indirectly or sometimes directly by my "quiet" mind? Nobody knows shit about this thing...If I get in a wreck, is it God who put me in that situation to learn, is it my subconscious(sp?) ruling me to take that extra dump at QT so I will catch the green light and get t-boned at the intersection because that energy needed to be released because someone in indonesia (don't ask why I though of indonesia) put their hand in a half full water glass...Whew...
On to this death thing...It's not morbid or grim, but think...You ever passed out? You wake up in a dream state that crescendos into what you would call reality...But where was your mind when you were "out"...Was it dead? Did it think, did it only react, is that all it did? Why is it just a gap, but you had no concept of time...There was no you...No existance at that moment, none you knew of cause you didn't know anything, or your mind didn't tell you...Is passing out a sample of death...I mentioned earlier that I see the world as nothing but energy, making us synonymous with the very computer you are sitting at...The computer being shut off just kills the energy going to it in the form of electricity...Wheather it has "feelings" or whatever isn't the point...When you shut down your computer, the information stops, the electricity signal is stopped and is displaced to other apartments, units, etc...Is that us? Do we just shut off? Thinking like this makes your beliefs, emotions, and feelings seem more like a technology we've evolved into (did old man have as much emotion?) for the sake of efficiency...I'm losing train of thought here...So is our displaced energy diffused into the earth and others? Is that God? That constant displaced energy that is all of us, because we haven't any self anyway, is that God or us, or just energy...Could this be the Bible, Koran, Torah, Tao-te-ching, Upanishads/Veda, Zend Avesta, etc? Who knows? I told a friend the other day how four people can see the exact same incident, but describe a different situation, to us we'd be like, "somebody's got it wrong" but we often fail to understand the idea of perspective until we've had enough ourselves, and we still can't grasp, it's infinite...Well I then applied this idea to religion...They all channel the same idea of energy or whatever I'm getting at, but due to social situation, different angles, it looks like there is a right and wrong...Perhaps for your environment or oneself you could create that, but is it really...I can connect all the listed texts in some way, isn't that what I'm talking about?
We're just something that is and isn't I think...Yes there is a mass named cyrus that is here...He carries out plenty functions to sustain life, he goes to a job and works for another organism who works for another and all gain benefit from eachother...And when he dies it keeps going because that gum tree over there needed to grow...
That's enough...