Aug 28, 2002 00:15
okay so i woke up at 9 to go to the school to help recruit some of these people to the corps.. I was able to get like 6 people at least its great..thats just more money in my pocket....hahaha (evil laugh) okay then after that me and my friend Chris and cpl saterly went to have kfc buffet it was fucking good then i had to go to the office and bullshit, then i went to the second cross country meet for my school. and people who know me, think im a psycho for running and everything, well your wrong. a kid from a rival school lives eats breathesand shits running story is this : he runs 2 times everyday pretty much, like 5 miles in the morning before school starts and practice, then sometimes he comes home and still runs. so that hey 3 times a day, and on sundays he runs before church. then after words about 5-9 miles i suppose. i don't know.. he ran his 3 mile time in 16:09 i mean this kid was hauling ass like the people in New york when the towers collapsed he beat our best runner by like a minute.. or so i was like damn...i mean this guy is like married to running. so folks who said "jeez eric just runs and shit all day" your wrong...i only run 3 miles each night..but still thats nothing...well im going peace out..