Soon this place will be too small...

Sep 27, 2007 11:13

The Director of Edu and I have been playing phone tag these past few days. On Tues she called me and I couldn't get to the phone fast enough. I called her about 30 minutes later, after jotting down some answers to questions I thought she might ask (in case of a phone interview, I hate those), and got her voicemail that said she was at work but not in her office. I called again in the early afternoon and again before 5. Still no answer, just voicemail. I waited until mid morning and called her on Wednesday and got a busy signal. SUCCESS! Or so I thought when 10 minutes later I called and then got her voicemail. I left yet another voicemail. And later called the Museum to talk to HR to see if her voicemail is even working, maybe she hasn't even seen that I've called? But that didn't do me any good as Ms. Little Bitchy McBitcherson gave me no clues except, "If you read the note on the application there are no direct calls!" "Application? I sent in my resume so I read no rules." I mean honestly, who would fill out an application for admin assistant to the Director? Anyway, there's a close to this story, the Director got back to me at 7pm. 7! I was on my way home from a MIFF film and didn't realize my phone was ringing as it was on vibrate. I immediately called her back but the last call was only from the museum and not her direct line so the museum line said they were closed and I didn't have her number on me. The good news is she actually did get back to me and wanted to hear from me and gave me a time to call, as she would be in meetings all morning. I was afraid that whilst she wasn't talking to me she was interviewing others and had already found someone for the job. But so far so good.

The MIFF (that's Milwaukee International Film Fest) has been okay so far. We planned to see three movies, 4:30, Beauty in Trouble, and Four Minutes. Unfortunately, 4:30 had a shipping problem and wasn't available to see on the date we chose and its next date clashes with Four Minutes so we had to drop it. Instead we saw, Two Days in Paris which was a film I was hoping to see anyway. It was really good, there was a kind of modern Woody-Allen-esque feel to the dialogue and acting but far more entertaining and far less annoying than the real Woody Allen. Julie Delpy wrote, directed, and starred in the film. It was very funny and made me miss France something terrible. Plus, it opened with the exact street I walked down when living in the Daumnesil residence. Quel génial!

I saw Beauty in Trouble last night. It was a Czech film that starred my friend Christina's twin. Not her literal twin unless she has Czech family I don't know about. The film was described as a dramedy of a mother/wife who breaks away from her dreary existance and is presented with a new path that would make life a billion times better. She's faced with the decision of the new life and family obligations, which is something I've been v. interested in lately (obligations -- family, womanly, human etc). The movie really had nothing to do with this difficult choice. When the better life was presented she took it immediatley along with her children, there was no indecision or temptation to stay to whom she was married (except towards the end which confused the hell out of me). Nonetheless aside from the creepy father/grandfather character it was good. The acting was well done and the ending I hoped for happened. Unfortunately we had to wait in the theatre an extra 45 minutes for them to get the movie going. And the short that was to precede the film didn't happen though no one would explain why. That's the third time I've been to the Times Theatre and they've had technical issues about playing the films on their projectors. You're a movie theatre, how do you not know how to run a projector?

Sunday we'll be seeing, Four Minutes, the story of a young German girl who was sent to prison for her violent behavior and acts. She was a great musical talent and through the efforts of a local piano teacher, is trying to channel her anger into her once brilliant creative genius. Apparently the ending will display the most "amazing and startling musical performance ever caught on film," obviously four minutes long. I'm looking forward to it.

And then Monday is my birthday. 25 years old. I cannot believe I'm going to be 25. Two weeks ago I was sorely depressed. 25 and little to show for it. This was not who I expected to be or how I wanted to live my life at 25. It still isn't. But something in me has quieted down.

Speaking of birthdays, it's Adrienne's 25th today (shescreamed).
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a fantastic day!

Now I must go eat lunch and prepare for teh phone call, hopefully all goes well.

films, jobs, miff, mam

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