(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 23:07

Found this whilst trolling through "Scanlinez_V2".......

You know you're a Cyber-goth when...

Your clothing has more wires then you do make-up.

You go to the hardware store to get new outfits ideas.

You dig thru the trash behind electronic stores to get parts for your clothing or hair.

You and your friends don't remember what real hair feels or looks like anymore.

You get all your outfit ideas from sci-fi movies.

People with metal detectors have to ask you to leave.

The Dj gets pissed off everytime you walk by the booth because your electronics
screws up his system.

You'd give your frist born for a real cybernetic part or cyberjack.

You feel that jedi is really a religion.

You buy all your night club clothing on-line.

Your boots increases your size by a foot.

You think that anyone wearing a poet shirt sould be fossilized.

You'll pay to see a horrible sci-fi movie just to see any new fashions.

You'll repay admiision to get back into a night club because you left your goggles in the car again.

You knock over little kids at the toy store to get that toy with the lights on it.

You keep stealing your little brother's toy laser gun.

You keep stealing your older brother's ski goggles.

Anything that works on elecetricty in your house fears you.

You don't have a jewrely box, you have a work bench.

You fear rain due to the possiblity of shock.

You get pissed off when they run out of batteries at your nearby store.

You feel it is not an acessory unless there is a battery involved.

You see anime as a form of fashion show.

Cartoons give you ideas for hair colors.

You spend the majority of your "get ready" time on the device that you will wear.

You can't decide which goggles to wear for the evening.

You get upset for not getting the perfect spot under the blacklight.

Movies show a gadget that doesn't really exist yet, but you still have to have it.

You have more electronics on you then the Dj has in his/her booth.

You refer to your new clothing as "up-grades".

You decide on a new hairstyle and head for the workshop with your toolbox.

You get on to your shoes rather than put them on.

Kids cross roads with you in the dark to feel safer.

People who have never been to a goth club refer to you as a raver....

You must see all the new sci-fi movies to see new clothing lines.

The other goths glares at you every time someone mentions "Ain't that a F-ing ray of sunshine!".

You consider your website as a valid form of I.D..

You'll give up your first born for a head jack.

Everyone looks at you first when the power goes out at the club

when you know you're not a cybergoth but all your cybergoth friends (who also know they're not cybergoth) call you cybergoth.

Your only tattoo is a bar code.

You get jealousy about the fact that pets have the chip implant option and you don't.

You keep missing calls on your mobile 'cos you can't tell the bleeping ring tone from your music.

....Your proposed solution to this problem is to have your phone surgically implanted.

You own shares in Cyberdog.

it's not hard house, it's cyber-techno-dance-music.

the local spooky-kids call YOU a freak.

You're so one-double-three-seven you don't even have to write it out.

you have wet-dreams about tentacles rather than nightmares.

You keep a personal black light at home to see how your outfits will look at the club.
You can't decide which armor to wear to the club tonight.

The Glow store phone number is programmed into your cell phone.

Electric tape counts as make-up.

You don't give reg flowers..... you either e-mail them or bulid them.

You spend 15 min or more at the club double checking your electric tape attachments.

You carry eletric tape as standard issue.

You give another cyber-goth CPR via dreads.

You consider dreads a form of currency.

Play-doh doesn't have a color that your hair hasn't been.

Sushi is considered a missing member of the food groups.

They use you as a cheaper way to save money on alien special effects in MIB II.

You can hide in a crowd of ravers.

The drying machine has a good beat.

Your girlfriend gets upset because you took her buckle boots again.

You dye your fur coats to match your hair color.

You'd screw your computer if it would produce a cyborg offspring.

MacFarline action figures give you more outfits ideas.

Your goggles have gadgets of their own.

The only way your friends can be sure it's you is by the goggles you wear.

http://www.thinkgeek.com/ <-you've been to this site several times.

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