After Knight Rider left town with KITT, I never kissed a car again. Until, that is, Christine.

Apr 24, 2006 08:21

1. Name: Ryan
2. Age: 22
3. Location: Ventura, CA
4. Gender: M

5. Ten bands/artists that you love:
[I hate these things because I put easy picks and then people get pissy about playing it safe. The thing is, when I say I love these people, I mean that I'm prepared to fight for them, like with a knife. I would knife fight for these people, putting the tearing open of my guts on the table. There are plenty of groups I love that could go on here but just aren't the sort who I'd get into a knife fight for. I love Opus Avantra, for example, but I don't know that I could knife fight for them; maybe fists. But I could easily knife fight for Area (and win). I would knife fight for Erik Malmberg, but no fucking way would I knife fight for Bo Hansson, even though I really, really like Bo Hansson. Actually, I probably would knife fight for Opus Avantra. But anyway:]

(1) <---I don't know who (1) is, but I'm one of those who believe that Black Sabbath are Gods among Gods.
(2) <---(2) I know, but the earlier stuff is best. Later on it gets very derivative, with all sorts of things getting divided by too many other even numbers, it's hard to tell where (2)'s identity really is. I have this same problem to a lesser extent with Klaus Schulze but, just as I continue to love (2) and even numbers, I fully accept the directions that Klaus Schulze's career has taken since the beginning.
(3) <---Now we have (3), a nice prime number, which can only mean Supersilent. Prime numbers are alive, dissonant, colorful; when they kiss you, they eat your teeth.
(4) <---(4) is also the number of truly classic fantastic majestic wonderful albums of voodoo magic released by Exuma, the Obeah Man; he released more, but they were but a pale shadow of those first 4. When the apocalypse comes, a great beast will rise from the seas and he will say: "I came down on a lightning bolt / Nine months in my Mama's belly / When I was born, the midwife scream and shout / I had fire crystals coming out of my mouth / I'm Exuma, I'm the Obeah Man"
(6) <---Edip Akbayram, one of the heavyweight players in Turkish psychedelic music, kicks major amounts of ass. He doesn't stimulate me as much as Erkin Koray, whose riffage off more traditional Turkish tunes is almost more conservative (ha, as if) Turkish rock than the Akbayram kaleidoscope, but don't let you think that this stuff isn't fucking awesome. I played this album in the office at work once and someone asked me, "This could be the soundtrack to the best action porn movie ever if only it didn't make me feel so sad to hear that man sing."
(7) <---Another prime number. I've always been lucky that (7) were there to give me The Push just when The Push was needed; they gave me a new pair of sunglasses for ogling the tender curves and stimulating crevices of the world. In that way, (7) remind me very much of Frank Zappa, esp. The Mothers of Invention.
(8) <---(8) can be pulled from the parenthesis to form 8(), which looks almost like 80, which is almost how old Bernard Parmegiani is, who turns 80 next year. He's a master of musique concrete; Bernard, in fact, actually studied under Pierre Schaeffer himself. Whatever gift of creativity Mr Schaeffer had, Parmegiani was fortunate enough to pick up on it. Every moment of his music burns with life; it's acidic, mindmelting, transcendent. You can actually hear, if you have the right kind of ears, the precise moment where a young Steve Stapleton clicked, dropped his tea kettle and said, "Oh my fucking God!"
(9) <---9 is the number of innings in most baseball games. (9) is my favorite single-digit number, and was so long before the Beatles were ever born. Seriously. 9 is also the number of seconds it would take The Ex to kick The Fall's ass, even if 9 is also the number of times we have to multiply The Ex's catalogue to get a fair estimate of the size of The Fall's output.
(10) <---When we hit the double digits, I hit the Merzbow, whose digits are well into three places. You may offer all the "but..."s you wish, though I shall respectfully disagree with most of them, unless you bring up Mayuko Hino, who gives me a boner.

6. Top sex albums in time (at a moment):
Cedric Im Brooks & The Light of Saba
Dark Magus
I Don't Wanna

7. Name song(s) or album(s) that make you...
Feel like dancing: "Sirba" (Yiddish tune)
Fall in love: Vurulduk Ey Halkim Unutma Bizi (Selda)
Unleash your rage: Live (High Rise)
Cry your eyes out: Love theme from Mother 3 ("heartwrenching")
Sing at the top of your lungs: Doremi Fasol Latido (Hawkwind)
Shiver in ecstasy: Den Gåtfulla människan (Erik Malmberg)
Cause grievous bodily harm to its maker: "Deja vu" (Kalacakra)
Seduce and destroy: "Phallus Dei" (Amon Düül II)
Find the nearest swing set at 4 A. M.: "Krakovan Niityt" (Aavikko)
Play air guitar alone in your bedroom: Jamnation
Want to change the world: "De Futura" (MAGMA)

8. Make up a musical top five list:
(ie, "top five musical smells," "top five baroque pop
5. Led Zeppelin, without having a popular band to kick their faggoty asses, would be The Beatles Pt. II.
4. Long hair on males goes out of style after the mid-1970s, until the mullet conquers the world.
3. Country-Western is the musical style of choice among the angry white supremacist racist asshole youth.
2. Pat Robertson elected President.
1. No hair metal, no heavy metal, no black metal, no death metal, no thrash metal, no punk, no hard rock, no noise, no psych, no blues, no folk, no anything at all. The universe collapses upon itself, forming a tiny point of ridiculously intense energy which then, through a big bang-type event and expansion, hopes to spawn a race of creatures capable of providing the Black Sabbath so desperately needed to be truly awesome.

9. Pick 5 genres & give us 1-5 artists from each that you
The following genres are as basic as we could get them,
but feel free to get more or less specific, or to include ones
we did not mention:
(Rawk, Cop, BBQ, T&A, Polk, County, Ragu, Mettle, Porn, Jizz, Booze, Gosling, New Orleans, Clinical, Ejaculation, En Garde, Buckwheat, Zydeco, Camera, Missile, Post Bop, Pre-Rock, Mrs. Haversham, Etc.)
No, fuck you. Every moment you keep me filling this fucking thing out is another moment I'm not paying attention to what's coming out of my speakers. Is it music? What's going on? I don't know, because this thing is like participating in a potato sack race from Earth to Mercury.

Flesh Things Out:
10. Favorite books: Harold and the Purple Crayon, Anansi and the Moss-Covered Rock, Stone Soup, Green Eggs and Ham, "A Modest Proposal", If You Give A Mouse A Cookie..., Where The Wild Things Are, The Emperor's New Clothes
11. Favorite movies: Dawn of the Dead, Herz aus Glas, Network, Happy Together

Stroke Our Ego:
12. (This is just for fun & will not affect voting on your
application.) Look through the member list & look at the applications of the members.
Which one would you most like to hump? lj_thats_indecent, natch!
13. Why do you wish to be a member of this community? Because it feels right, plus I need to get back on the music train.

Stroke Your Ego:
14. Tell us something interesting about yourself: I still sleep with my eyes open. Also, I'm open to performing cunnilingus during menstruation.
15. Optionally, post up to 3 pictures of yourself or
something interesting:

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