Mar 29, 2005 17:20
FakexEffectx: oh, remember two days ago? when I said I ate a clove of garlic?
FakexEffectx: lol, I thought a clove meant a bulb
sedatedfilth: ?!
FakexEffectx: I ate a whole bulb of garlic
sedatedfilth: you ate the whole fucking bulb?!
FakexEffectx: yeah
sedatedfilth: no wonder you feel better...
sedatedfilth: good god..
FakexEffectx: lol
sedatedfilth: what the hell
sedatedfilth: how did you manage?!
FakexEffectx: I roasted it, mashed it up, served on bread with tomato and mozzarella slices
FakexEffectx: so so good
sedatedfilth: the whole fucking thing, though...
sedatedfilth: lol...
FakexEffectx: it was so good
FakexEffectx: so so so good
FakexEffectx: I love garlic!
FakexEffectx: I loove it