Stealing a quiz-type-thingy from Jaymers...

Jan 25, 2003 02:04

Rippin this offa methadrone because it seemed like a pseudo-fun waste of thirty minutes worth of typing...

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards: NAIRB or NEVAR

[ x ] The story behind your LJ user name: some spiritually inspired claptrap.

[ x ] Where do you live? Indianoplace, Indiana.

[ x ] Four words that sum you up: Introspective, metacognitive, narcissistic, pathetic (figure those last two out together, and you'll have a key hint to my personality [disorder]).

[ x ] Wallet: Black, Quiksilver, very gauche and oh so white trash ravery (but vegan!).

[ x ] Hairbrush: Irrelevant.

[ x ] Toothbrush: Battery-operated.

[ x ] Pillow Cover: Simple black.

[ x ] Blanket: Gray, black, and silver marblized.

[ x ] Coffee Cup: Giant green latté cup/bowl.

[ x ] Sunglasses: Irrelevant.

[ x ] Underwear: Underwear? Commando boi...

[ x ] Shoes: Chunky black leather-free loafers or vintage 80s wingtips.

[ x ] Favorite Top: Ken Ryker (oh, wait... wrong kinda top...). Short sleeved, charcoal grey Kenneth Cole button-up.

[ x ] Cologne/Perfume: Dolce & Gabbana.

[ x ] CD In Stereo Right Now: Bjork, "Vespertine"

[ x ] Tattoos: Tribalized black (duh) raven on back of neck, claddagh crest between shoulder blades, black noetic symbol for "heaven's blade" on underside of left wrist, black coiling Chinese dragon on sternum, VERITAS (Latin for "truth") on right trigger finger, AEQUITAS (Latin for "justice") on left trigger finger.

[ x ] Piercings: Labret and slowly unstretching earlobes.

[ x ] What You Are Wearing Now: Ribbed dark grey T and black Hoax dress slacks (flared) with black socks, wing tips, and a grey Diesel knit cap.

[ x ] Hair: Minimal, brown... 1/8" all around with longer spikiness up front.

[ x ] Makeup: Occasional foundation.

[ x ] In My Mouth: Expletives and bad poetry.

[ x ] In My Head: Extrapolations, queries, a constant soundtrack, worries, and random snippets of awareness and peace.

[ x ] Wishing: ...I had a someone to cuddle up with tonight...

[ x ] After This: [CENSORED]

[ x ] Talking To: Myself, occassionally... I don't respond, so it's okay, right?

[ x ] Eating: Thai veggie stir-fry.

[ x ] Fetishes: Cute dorky boiz, biting/mastication, intelligence, verbosity, logic.

[ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason? All life is sacred... no, really... all life is sacred (I keep telling myself that, anyway...).

[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now: If it could be on amicable terms? Johnny, maybe, but that's prolly too much to wish for.

[ x ] Is Next To You: Umm... a bookcase filled with - well - books.

[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: Employment, finally.

[ x ] The last thing you ate: Thai veggie stir-fry.

[ x ] Something you are deathly afraid of: My own inherent weakness; my own inherent strength.

[ x ] Do you like candles? Tapers, votives, tea lights... bring em on!

[ x ] Do you like hot wax? Not especially...

[ x ] Do you like incense? Strangely, no.

[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood? Ummm... sure... whatever...

[ x ] Do you believe in love? Sure, I guess... if you twist my arm.

[ x ] Do you believe in soulmates? I'd like to, but no.

[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes, then again I also believe in stupidity at first breath.

[ x ] Do you believe in heaven? Not according to the Judeo-Christian paradigm, no...

[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness: Umm... in what sense? Divine? Not a chance. Personal? Yeppers.

[ x ] Do you believe in God: Umm... to avoid a long-winded diatribe about the nature of samsara and the beings trapped within... I'll just say no, though I do believe in natural divinity.

[ x ] What do you want done with your body when you die? Cremation and scattering, definitely.

[ x ] Who is your worst enemy? Myself, no question.

[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? A lesbian DJ.

[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up? A week.

[ x ] Ever been to Belgium? Yup... twice.

[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks? Quite well, thank you.

[ x ] What's you favorite coin? Ridiculous...

[ x ] What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to? Just five?! Okay... for starters: Philly, Seattle, Rio de Janeiro, London, Tokyo.

[ x ] What are some of your favorite pig-out foods? TOFU!, peppers (any color, really), foccacia bread, Ferrero Rocher.

[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand? There are six-fucking-billion of us on this fucking planet! Grow up, get over yourself, and start doing something worthwhile for a fucking change!

[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better? The illogic of the human heart and mind.

[ x ] Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? Jess and Johnny (well, I see him all the time, but we may as well be continents apart).

[ x ] What's one thing you want to happen for tomorrow? Universal respect, but I'll keep dreaming.
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