Apr 26, 2018 12:27
❧ handwriting
Fuji's handwriting is fairly distinctive. To put it bluntly, he writes like a woman in Shakespeare's era-- all curves, frills and no substance (and he thinks this is funny). He has an artistic flair for this sort of thing, and thus his handwriting has a tendency to be compact, neat, calligraphic, hilariously cursive and vaguely illegible. He writes at a slant that clearly pinpoints that he's right-handed, though unbeknown to a lot of people, he can write just as well with his left. He has several very distinctive quirks in his writing which he deliberately slips in for the purposes of identifying himself.
▶ he lets his n's and h's trail and end in hooks
▶ the endings to letters like 'g' and 'y' tend to trail and end with a flourish
▶ the dots on his i's look like little slanted accents
▶ his t's trail like nobody's business
▶ always crosses his 7's, but sometimes forgets to cross his t's
Even when he isn't making his letters look ridiculous, he's easily identifiable. However, for private and anonymous missives, he has a tendency to make use of the printing press.
❧ handwriting