
Mar 03, 2006 04:16

dear friends-
my bio studying has lead me apon the glorious image. please study it, and then try to understand why lo-carbs are good!!!

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swimchica2205 March 4 2006, 23:25:53 UTC
the kreb cycle i know this stuff. well i would just like to tell you that carbs are good for. you body prefers carbs and fat to use for the rest and or long term exercises. in orter to make energy your body has to use ATP and turn it in to actoyl co a. we will start with that your body breaks carbs down and produces 36-69 ATP and fat prduces >100 and proteins only produce 9-15, whichin turn feed the kreb cycle.i know the basis of the carb free diet is that you body uses the carbs the most and if there not there than the use the fat, hence the weigh loss. but the kreb cycle can't function on just fat it needs both proteid and carb in orfer for the cycle to do its job it can NEVER use fat just by itself. so your systems get all f-ed up (lack of medical terms), when your participate in aerobic activitys you body does start burning the carbs, but the longer you engage in that exercise (meaning time, min hour... each sesion)the less carbs your going to burn and the more fat you burn. marothon runners have to take pure carb supliments because they are running so long that their body is burrning so much fat that they need to use suplements inorder to maintain homeostasis. the only real diet that works is counting cal. and exercising (not that i do that ) but there are no short cuts, and even if you loos a bunch a weight from the low carb diet your mostlikly no going to keep it off and your not improving your cardiac health which is very important.
i probably could have written better info to prove my point but i only got a 77 on this test and this is the majority of what i remember, and i don't have my note with me at this time, and i don't care to look at them again if i don't have to.

ps remind me to show you the flow chart deal my teacher made up to show us what your picture says, his was so confusing!! i think its funny that that little chart you have says 90% of what his says and takes up may be 10% of a page of paper and my guys cart takes up 110% of a whole sheet of paper.

yeah for school!!! j/k fuck school yeah for New York i leave in less than 3 hours!!!! have i mentioned that i'm seeing rent in ny. arnt you jellous!!!


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