(no subject)

Aug 29, 2005 22:19

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1) What video game does dusty0386 remind you of? grand theft auto
2) What exotic animal would michaelsbaby like as a pet? a lizzard
3) One thing you can't stand about lookeeme? that she cant stay in michigan for more then two weeks at a time
4) Could you see kinggy and beckathecoolest together? i could see it happening
5) What animal does conceptcar03 remind you of? a snake
6) What is 88lacrosse's shoe size? 12
7) When did you last call 88lacrosse? a few days ago. i left a book at home and need him to read it to me. he declined
8) What planet should beckathecoolest be from? earth, how else would she breathe
9) Are validity07 and kinggy married? no, but if it doesnt work out with becka i think ryan and jim should try it
10) What flavor of jello would torrina_bella be? blue
11) What word best describes dusty0386? con-man
12) Are michaelsbaby and conceptcar03 going out? no, but i think one of them liked the other for afew days
13) Which of your friends should swimchica2205 go out with? jim
14) Would cindermoon143 and 88lacrosse make a good couple? sure. shane and holly. wouldnt that be cute. ild kill him
15) Is 88lacrosse single? no
16) Does dusty0386 do drugs? i dont know. he smokes
17) Do cindermoon143 and itsmejay go to the same school? no, altho holly went to OU when she was in high school
18) Is swimchica2205 popular? much more than i am
19) Do you have torrina_bella's screenname? yes, i think so. do i torri?
20) Is beckathecoolest dead sexy? of course
21) Did rainbowsplunker break up with you? no, but she woudnt go out with me in the first place.
22) Is ptpt03 an emo? did it just ask is she an emo?!?! thats a stupid question. whats an emo?
23) How would 88lacrosse conquer the world? by trying to please everyone
24) Do you think swimchica2205 is hot? dead sexy
25) If torrina_bella was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? captian commitment
26) How tall is swimchica2205? 5'3 ish?
27) Does fakeplastic have a big secret? shes pretty open with everyone
28) What is angelrae3's favorite food? hmmm...not sure
29) If michaelsbaby took over the world, who would suffer? noone. it would be the hottest world leader yet tho.
30) What would conceptcar03 do differently in your shoes? read the bible. abstiane from anyhting fun.
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