the leap years

Mar 05, 2008 18:34

Reviews that I’ve come across of The Leap Years have mostly been negative, hurling criticism at the film for its unrealistic premise and how the central characters - Li Lin as Li-Ann and Ananda Everingham as Jeremy - made a good-looking but chemistry-free couple. Perhaps it’s my untrained eye, unlike the discerning eye of critics, that had glossed over the film’s flaws, causing me not to see eye to eye with their reviews. Although The Leap Years may seem far-fetched at times and the chemistry between Li-Ann and Jeremy didn’t exactly sizzle, I felt the film still deserved a bit more credit than it was given.

After a chance encounter on February 29th brings Li-Ann and Jeremy together, a promise is made to meet at the same time, same place every February 29th, incidentally also Li-Ann’s birth date. The couple find themselves drawn into a love so intense and deep that meeting only four times over twelve years fails to erode their feelings for each other. This could possibly be one facet of the film’s unrealistic aspect. After all, how many of us would have the will and stamina to fulfil a promise to meet at the same time, same place every four years? How many of us would be able to keep our hearts warm for someone we meet only once every four years?

Still, The Leap Years manages to strike a chord with me. As the film traced the life of Li-Ann while exploring her steadfast love for Jeremy, I saw myself in Li-Ann, who always chose to follow her heart and hold out for someone truly special. I believe whoever has experienced a unique connection - one that moves and reaches deep into your heart - can relate with Li-Ann and appreciate why she was willing to go so far in pursuit of the love of her life. When presented with the rare promise of true love, wouldn’t we all want to pursue it with all we’ve got? Then there was the scene when Jeremy turned to Li-Ann and expressed his admiration for her. He was impressed by how brave Li-Ann was, because she’s able to resist the temptation of being with somebody for the sake of being with somebody. He admires her courage to stay single, to wait till the right one comes along. Those lines about Li-Ann really spoke to me.

Also, Li-Ann’s mixed feelings come every Leap Day birthday were portrayed convincingly by a stunning and radiant Li Lin. As she expressed Li-Ann’s emotions ranging from a sense of longing for Jeremy, her finding special comfort in him, to a sense of loss when holding on seemed pointless, my heart too tingled with Li-Ann’s wistfulness, joy and despair. When Li-Ann was moved to tears by Jeremy’s declaration of his deep and abiding love for her, my tears fell along with hers.

The Leap Years is one movie that demonstrates why I wouldn’t dismiss a film simply because it’s too far-flung from reality. With its magical premise, the film is still able to tug at the heartstrings and might even rekindle a light of hope in weary hearts. In our lives where reality can often be difficult and discouraging, allowing ourselves to be transported momentarily into an enchanting tale that offers hope and promise of finding fulfilment may just be what we need.

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