Aug 02, 2013 15:14
This is a bit confusing, since the last post was more than 2 years ago, which now seems like a century; it is truly uncanny how fast time fleets by when you do not have a regime of keeping a journal alive. I do not. Or, rather, I didn't have, ocassionally popping here and there all through livejournal, when I wanted to find something.
And now I want to restore it. I remember so many things happening around this journal, it's almost astonishing with all the things that were in my life back then, and how I deleted approximately 5 hundred posts one day three years ago, and how many wonderful people I've met through all of my active years here, and how I grew up.
I still need to clean all my communities up, and some of the technical posts to hide, and I don't even want to start off with a clean slate: basically, that's how much I've grown - to except the person I was when I was younger.
I won't try to be smart and say that I decided to come back solemnly because I miss LiveJournal, or I need something here - it's my rebellion against the great rip off, as well as a chance to properly have an English journal, which is both a pleasant benefit of my current employment, as well as the non-stop practice for the same employment. Besides, I always have something to say.
Right. Now, without any additional words, I am going to return to work, and in the next couple of days you'll hear more from me... whoever you are, if you're still hanging around.