
Aug 27, 2007 12:39

I've been sitting here watching the Michael Vick stuff on CNN, and I realized that I haven't said anything here about it. For very good reason, for the most part...I think everyone who reads my journal would know how I feel about this, and I've done my best to avoid as much as possible the details of the torture and abuse.

That being said, I don't think his apology was enough. He didn't apologize to the dogs.

Yes, I know some people might think that's stupid. Tough shit. It's not stupid to me. I don't accept his apology, no matter how "heartfelt" it was, and I don't really think it was...oh, yeah, I think he's sorry, but just sorry he got caught. Finding Jesus is NOT an acceptable solution, that's another easy-to-say thing that will only be proven in the years ahead.

I'm not a football fan, never have been, never will be. And now I will be sure never, ever to watch football players. Yes, for me, he has painted all players with a very nasty brush. Unreasonable? Yeah, so was what he and his friends did to those dogs.

Dogs and kids are helpless in the face of cruelty. Deryl thinks I'm joking when I say this is the one thing I DO believe in the death penalty for, but I'm not joking. Cruelty to animals and children, cruelty of this magnitude, should be repaid in kind in my opinion. Yes, I know Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind," I have it on a t-shirt, but in the case of animals and kids, I must disagree.

So, there you have opinion, my diatribe against Michael Vick and anyone else who does these things. Someone on CNN brought up the color factor today, and I can honestly say that I don't care if someone is black, white, purple, or green...animal cruelty is WRONG. Color never entered into my mind.

If you respond, please do NOT write any details of the cruelty in my journal, or it will be deleted...but I trust you, my friends, to know my soft heart and know that I cannot stand it.

dogs, vick

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