By the way...
When I was watching the videos today and saw that Chris was #1, another one caught my ear. I've loved everything I've heard by Blue October, and their video for "Into the Ocean" sealed that for me today, so I went to the iTunes store (better known by me as the "iAmAddicted" store) and got their album, "Foiled."
I can't begin to say how happy I am that I got it. Justin's voice is excruciatingly yummy, he makes it sound so intimate that it seems like he's singing right in your ear. And if you've only heard "Hate Me," which I also think is beautiful, you haven't really heard some of their gorgeous stuff. There's a song called "Congratulations," sung with Imogen Heap, that is just heavenly.
I honestly don't care that I'm not into guys wearing eye makeup, Justin can wear all the makeup he wants if he'll just keep singing like that. I'm going to be burning copies of "Foiled" and "History for Sale" (which I'm downloading right now) so that I can play them in the car. (Yes, the Monster is still dead, but I finally called Circuit City today and will be sending it in for repair/replacement.)
So, my message to you is that you should check out Blue October if you haven't. Yes, you would think that they're going to be pretty hard, but they really aren't all hard rock...there's some gorgeously pretty stuff in there, too.
And dammit, as soon as I finish downloading that, I think I'm going to have to download some John Mayer. I'm burning his concert to dvd and I'm finding that I like it just as much as I did the other day when I first saw it. Except that "be good to your daughters" song...still can't stand it. And for my Toadsters...I think I have sort of figured out why his music reminds me of Toad. Besides the obvious touring-with-Glen thing, I mean. It's the MOOD. I'm watching this and am getting the same mood, the same feeling, that I might have at a Toad concert (except for all the history and the crying and stuff) - happy to be there listening to really nice music by someone who loves playing nice music. There's a lightheartedness, a genuine happiness, in his music that definitely reminds me of Toad. Does that help any in understanding what I mean?
The problem, of course, with finding all of this music recently (since Nov. 21) is that I still can't pay very much attention to it because I'm not burned out on obsessing over Chris' music yet. I play him EVERY day, and am not in the least tired of it, though some people might be tired of my singing along. *grins* I'm really starting to hear him on the radio now, I've seen his video more than once, and I'm just damn thrilled to death that he's doing so well. I told Nean today that, other than us, I can't think of anyone I'd be happier to see be a zillionaire than Chris.
How do people live without music in their lives? I swear I couldn't.
I talked to Lisa at the vet's this afternoon, and she said Luke had just come out of surgery and was doing fine. I'm going to pick him up tomorrow afternoon. I'm very grateful to SaveAPet for doing this for him, it certainly saves me a bunch of money. I miss the little guy, but feeding time sure was easy tonight, and I had some time to love on the others, which they appreciated.
In other news, I thought my foot was doing a bit better today...didn't use my cane, left my shoe on all day (it's friggin' COLD here!). Then Jaimoe stepped on my toe tonight, and I'm right back where I was, limping and hurting. *sighs* I'm so sick of this.
Oh...icon by
movealongx - I have another Blue October one that she made, too, and I think they're both beautiful. :)