If brushing is fun ...

Sep 05, 2011 08:18

Arrgh! Yesterday got away from me so today I'm making an effort to get this journal done early. Look at me, being all proactive and stuff!

So. Since last I posted an update that didn't involve 9,000 book review links, things have been happening. Not really. I'm just as boring as always but I'm going to make it seem interesting so you'll be all "Dude! Things happen!" Yeah. It'll be awesome.

School's in full swing for Cole. I had to go in and talk to his counselor because he's the only 7th grader in his Algebra 1 class and I wanted to make sure he was where he was supposed to be. It turns out he's exactly where he's supposed to be since he scored ridiculously high on his state test scores. He hated the class the first week (what with being the youngest and the only one who didn't know anyone) but it seems like it's coming together for him. Which is good because I don't want him dreading a class he's going to have all year when he's only in the 2nd week of school.

In the post of 9,000 links, I mentioned that I signed up for a week long Read-A-Thon with some of my book blogging buddies. I set a goal for myself to read 15 books over the week. I picked all the books ahead of time because I work better when I have a plan and all that jazz. I read 13 of the 15 I picked plus another 5 random books that popped up on my radar. EIGHTEEN BOOKS, PEOPLE! I had to push myself for those last few and I think I took a 5 hour nap after the week was over, but... I had FUN!

In more recent news, on Friday when I was taking the dogs on a walk I found a kitten sitting by a tree. The poor thing barely moved when the dogs lunged over to sniff it and I couldn't in good conscience leave it there. So I tromped home, got our cat carrier, did some kitten rescue, brought it home, fed it and let it get its strength up. When Heather and Hailey got home, we went out to make sure there weren't any other kittens tucked away in the same area. Sure enough, we found a second one. We managed to wrangle that one into the cat carrier (after my mom was bit and clawed and dripped blood all over the sidewalk) and brought it home to regain its strength with its sibling. Currently, both kittens are ensconced in our downstairs bathroom with food, water and a nice warm bed. My mom's on industrial sized antibiotics and it looks like we have 2 new cats.

I have MORE to talk about but I'm going to save it for later. Unless I forget.

Meanwhile, books...
Book #352 - The Line (Line #1) by Teri Hall - I didn't love this book. I wanted to but I had some issues with the simplified writing and the fact that there was no resolution AT ALL to the storyline. That said, I now feel a deep, dark urge to read the next book just so I can get some closure.
Book #353 - Soul Survivor by Misty Evans - Time travel, soul mates and one seriously nasty bad guy.
Book #354 - The Iron Daughter (Iron Fey #2) by Julie Kagawa - I love this series. Which is a good thing since I'm going to be zipping through the next book so I can review book 4 before it comes out in October.
In My Mailbox - I know this looks like I scored a lot of books this week but it's only because I forgot to post last week's IMM and had to combine it with this week's. So, you know. I did score a lot but it was over a two week period.

I'm off to shower so I can pretend to be productive today!

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth.org.

cole, 2011 resolutions, books, family

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