It was hot here today. I think the weather report said it was supposed to hit 90F but our thermometer put us at 95-ish. Hot. Yucky. I stayed inside for most of the day. And the one time I went out? I came back sticky. STICKY! Like the movie theater floor. Not enjoyable.
It's supposed to be hotter tomorrow but I'm choosing to just grin and bear it. Mostly because Cole's up in Palm Desert with his dad this week and it's over 100F there. I mean, at least I'm not dealing with that. Right? Right. FYI, my motherly advice to Cole before he left: "Wear lots of sunscreen. Even when you don't think you need it." I'm totally good at being a mom, yo! Also, he forgot to wear sunscreen one day while swimming and his poor sunburned shoulders are finally back to a normal color. <--total mommy-fail, guys. Total.
Okay. Books. I got 'em.
Book #242 - Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress #4) by Jeaniene Frost - Seriously, this series just keeps getting better. I absolutely adore Cat and Bones and want to read a million more stories where they're being all brutal and fight-y while loving the hell out of each other.
Book #243 - The Debutante's Dilemma by Elyse Mady - A fast, naughty read. Nothing mind-blowing but still fun.
A week of free ebooks from Carina Press - Umm... pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Free ebooks. From Carina Press.
In My Mailbox - I am so proud of myself for reading and reviewing every book I got last week. Plus some of my TBR books. I was rocking it. This week? Probably not so much. Although I'm doing well so far.
Okay. There you have it!