Mar 15, 2010 19:30
I had this moment of clarity today while I was sitting at my sister's house for another fun-filled morning of babysitting the contractors as they worked on the floor. As much complaining as I've been doing about the house sitting recently, when else do I have an excuse to do nothing but sit and read and write. Yes, I can do it at home, but there's always a nagging voice in the back of my head detailing things that I could be doing around the house. You know, like, vacuuming. Or something. So this house sitting is really an excuse for me to take a vacation from my vacation. Awesome.
Yeah. So I didn't write on my story today. However ...
Book #26 - Bitten (Women of the Otherworld #1) by Kelley Armstrong - This was the book that singlehandedly reignited the spark of interest I had in werewolf books. It also made me go from tolerating first person narratives to embracing them with a whole-heartedness that's nearly embarrassing. I loved Elena's story from the first word. I was drawn in and emotionally wrung out by how much I wanted her to get her happily ever after. As the only female werewolf, Elena Michaels is something of a precious commodity. She holds an esteemed position in the Pack, has a almost-psychotic sometimes-boyfriend packmate who both knows and accepts what she is and she's trying to live a normal in the human world (complete with a job and long-time boyfriend who has no idea that she turns into a wolf upon occasion). Yeah. Her life is a little complicated. When the Pack Alpha calls her home, Elena has to reconcile the two sides of her nature before the secrets of the Pack are revealed. Seriously, one of my favorite werewolf books. It's dense, well-written, and emotionally wrenching.
Book #27 - Stolen (Women of the Otherworld #2) by Kelley Armstrong - Picking up roughly a year after Bitten, Elena and Clay have found a balance with each other and they're trying hard to make it work. Following up on a lead which could reveal the secret of the werewolves, Elena comes into contact with two witches who tell her more than she ever imagined regarding other Supernatural races (something the Pack barely knew existed). Elena's investigation leads her to a group of people who kidnap and study Supernaturals to try to learn what makes them different. Now, this book isn't quite as insanely captivating as the first, but it's still good. It moves quickly and it helps define Elena's personality and morals a bit more. Plus, it introduces a whole new level of intrigue by bringing in witches, shamans, demons, and half-demons.
I'm so glad I decided to re-read this series. I love love love those werewolves!
Word has come down from the sis that I'm not needed tomorrow. However, I'll be there on Wednesday for the installing of the new carpet. *sigh* That means that I have to change my hair appointment. Boo. Ehh, not a big deal.
I just realized that it's been a year since my official last day at the bank. Whoa. A year. Nice. It's been the best damn year of my life. I feel like a real person again. The sad news is that it's starting to sink in that I'm probably going to have to start looking for a job soon. Part of me is still rebelling against the thought, but part of me is trying to be a big girl and take it in stride. Even if (fine, when!) I find a job, I'm going to have a long term goal of working for myself. Whether it's as a writer or whatever. It's what I want. I think I could be a full-time blogger. Yes? Yes. Seriously, though, I still want to write like WHOA! Even on the days that the muse is fighting me tooth and nail I want to be a writer.
So now I have a goal.
Done now. I have things to do. Or something.
work from home