I am so underdressed.

Jun 21, 2009 21:07

I've felt yucky all day today. I didn't even want to eat. And if you know me, that's saying a lot. Headachy, tired, queasy. Yeah, if I hadn't made plans to visit jenahville one last time before she moved out, I would have crawled into bed and cocooned myself with some books and movies. As it was, I went with the movies. My Bloody Valentine, Push and X-Files: I Want to Believe. I was rather impressed with MBV. It could have gone the really cheesy route, but it was actually engaging. I'm not quite sure why everyone hated Push as much as they did. Some things were too predictable to be taken seriously, but overall it was a fun movie. Of course XF was good. I've seen that one before and I think that did a great job picking up the feel of the old episodes.

I think we're getting our new flooring installed tomorrow. Or they'll start tomorrow. I hope I feel better because feeling bad while that sort of stuff is going on SUCKS. New floor! Woot!

I'm tired and sneezy. If I'm lucky the other dwarves will come visiting tonight and we'll all hang together.
Bad jokes. I apologize.

scary movies, movies, the x-files, home, huh?!?, friends

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