I don't smoke crack anymore.

Apr 17, 2009 19:00

Okay. I've caught up on my comments. I no longer feel like kicking someone's head in. I've napped. I've watched several bad movies (which is probably why I'm feeling so mellow at the moment). Cole's camping with his dad. Hailey's NOT spending the night tonight. Holy smokes! It's a kid free zone at Casa Rubidoux!

What do I do? Scary movie? Bad movie? Read? Ahhhhhh! The choices!!!

Anyway. I've given myself some time to think and I'm still not sure if I'm going to continue writing for that particular company. Admittedly, things could change with the assignments I'm given, but I didn't enjoy it in the least. And now I know far too much about the Cesar Awards, which are the French version of the Oscar's in case anybody was wondering.

I think I'll designate next week as Get Back to Writing Reviews Week. Alternately, Work On Those Cafe Press Designs Week. And possibly, Those Web Pages Don't Update Themselves Week. True story.

I just polished off a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup and frozen black cherries. Oh.Yum. I bought those cherries for smoothies, but they're doing a pretty swell job in the ice cream. Word.

I'm done. I have things to do. And other stuff. One of which is to close my windows because it's starting to get pretty chilly in here. My pasty white legs can't stand it anymore. And neither can I.


movies, home, family, writing, scary movies, cole, hailey, work from home

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