Mar 09, 2006 05:57
the guy who lives above me has been vomiting since four am, maybe earlier.
add the domestic violence fan club to the right
(calls made by yours truly to the yonkers PD: three)
the middle-age crisis enduring deafness-fearing couple to the left who are convinced that their hearing will somehow be drastically reduced because they can occasionally hear my music through the walls
the awesome old german guy with the handlebar moustache
(ends curled with wax, of course)
who is the ONLY person i talk to in the elevator.
the landlord who dabbles in the
(totally definitely for-sure illegal)
car parts trade.
the mexican doorman in the ridiculous floor-length wool coat with gold trim blasting what sounds like spanish polka. constantly.
though the word is over-used, this building is truly dysfunctional..