A Bundle of random truths.

Feb 07, 2006 21:12

One of the most valuable things I have learned is that thinking is a skill that is learned, just like playing the piano. It's a shame most people do not know that. You can actually earn a degree in thinking.

We are energy and have enough potential energy in our bodies to light the North American continent for a week. How silly then is the comment "I have no energy"?

All that we have learned and all that we will ever learn is here. There is a thought energy the permeates in and around us. The Wright brothers tuned into it to introduced us to the new kingdom of flight. Albert Einstein understood this and had a message that expressed this burned into the side of his desk. He understood that inventions and ideas were waiting to be discovered. It's all available to us. Doubt, fear, negativity is all a result of conditioning, it is not a reflection of ones potential or of you as a person.

Every great leader has told us that we become what we think about most of the time.

Mind is an activity and body is the manifestation of that activity. The body is nothing more than an instrument of the mind. Healing happens due to conscious thought focused on beliefs or positive things that have become fixed into the subconscious mind (or spirit, heart, soul, super conscious it has many names, but it is the same.) and thus produce the vibration that the body creates.

Choose your thoughts, repeat them often until they become fixed into your subconscious and you become emotionally attached to the idea. Then the vibration that your body is in will change, then how you act will change and thus your results will change. Your circumstances and environment mean nothing, if they did then history would not have the millions that have overcome virtually any scenario you can imagine. And someone can always be the first for a particular scenario. Most people view circumstances such as making little money or being overweight and then use the circumstances as the guide to how they are. Rather it is the ideas we have and hold onto that manifest into physical form. None of this is new, it's universal law. Just as if you put a little into life you'll get a little out. Put a lot in you get a lot out. Some people put a lot of energy behind putting a little out but you'll still just get a little back. The Universe responds back with the same message you send and if it is give, you'll receive abundance. The same feelings, thoughts etc. Cast into the mold of different times. They could not have said "I dropped my Ipod and it broke" in 1824, but the emotions, reactions etc. As a result of dropping your Ipod and breaking it are the same since the dawn of man. It's not in the specifics... simplify.

If you have ego, you'll separate yourself from those who overcame what you suffer from and from your source. Know yourself and you know the universe. And the source of energy works both ways (call it energy or God) and if you feed your mind negativity you can eventually destroy yourself. There was a true story about a man who was locked in a freezer cart. He thought he was going to freeze to death. He wrote on the wall about the experience and that those words may be his last. And they were. He froze to death. The interesting part of this story is that the fan for the cart was broken and the temperature never dropped below 49 degrees. He became a victim to his thoughts. So the same power that can cure you and make your dreams come true, can destroy you, it has no ability to reject any idea or belief. It will only work with what you give, that is how the universal power works. Believe you can, and you will, believe you can't and you won't. It's truthfully that simple. Though that doesn't make it easy.

I myself still struggle with my previous conditioning, though I understand these laws and have put the ideas into application and know the truth. It is through repetition and application that I will replace old thought habits with new ones. Then I will be completely free. So basically I'm currently training myself mentally to rid myself of old conditioning.

I haven't updated lately but I wanted to share some of what I have learned from some of the greatest thinkers and spiritual masters. I still have much to learn and must re-read again and again and again and again much of this material to really understand this. I'm still in the infant stages of this. A man once said that you do not understand something until you can explain it to someone else so that they may understand. I just hope anything here helps or interests someone to seek the truth for themselves. I have made monumental discoveries and I truly hope someone will benefit from anything I've shared.

"The average person tip-toes through life so they can make it safely to death. What a dumb game! This isn't a practice run, you only get one shot at it!" - Bob Proctor

God bless.

[ - TrAnce - ]
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