01 - When I feel inspired and so damn alive!
02 - Music that motivates and feeds my soul.
03 - The support of my friends.
04 - The freedom to be myself.
05 - Reading positive things that fuel my optimism and inner strength.
06 - Knowing I am fortunate and that I have a great opportunity right now.
07 - The comfort and opportunity my parents have provided for me.
08 - Being creative and expressive with fashion and overall aesthetics.
09 - Nostalgic smells and breezes
10 - Spirituality, opening myself to a higher power to gather strength.
And more!
I Tag:
comerunawaywith january_fiction _lollydolly_ thedevilsdirge tragic_sister l0l5saturdaynit By the way. What do you think of my new Livejournal layout?
~ Alexis ~