I don’t normally do this, since it isn’t Thanksgiving in the UK, but I think I will this year. So here goes: Reasons to be Cheerful, 1, 2, 3….
- My family and friends. I’m lucky that I have people I’m close to, can have so much fun with, and can rely on.
- The Xandermog. The biggest, daftest, and best moggy in the world.
- Technology. Without it, I wouldn’t be able to keep in touch with many people so easily - wouldn’t have met many of them in the first place, in fact - and my world would be a very different place.
There are many more things I could list (music! yarn! spinning! knitting!), of course, but those are three just off the top of my head. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.
Mirrored from
Enchilada Sunrise.