Nov 07, 2005 10:59
Went to the band competition friday after the Sats. band had planned on leaving at 3:30, didnt really leave till 4ish. As the busses were loading, bryant realizes what a genius he is, and didnt plan for enough seating. Poor Jaymie she had to ride with him in the truck, alone, for a whole hour. But, via the seating shortage Bridgette and Paige rode in the Cheech and Chong Van with Me, tawny and Tawny's mom. so were driving down there, all of us smoking... bridgettes rolling around in the trunk cuz thats where she chose to sit, paige is flicking ashes into a sundrop can and im writing derogatory things with the ALPHA feature on the TI-83 calculator i had borrowed from Mrs. Smith. So every few minutes i would turn around and show bridgette the calcul8r and it would say things like "whooo tuna" "it smells like cooter up in here" or "Here comes Mr. Tan running thru the woods from the Taliban." lol so anyway yeah were like riding and Mr bryant ;;;; who we are following by the way MISSES THE DAMN TURN and does a uwey in tha middle of the hiway and that means so does the cheech van and the 12 cars behind us.... it was like a damn brigade i tell you. Well we finally get there and everyones changing and im over there with my buddies (anna chris caitlyn steven etc) and here comes the DB busses... Rich people i swear. here we are in our little ghetto school busses and these bitches roll in in CHARTERED BUSSES... and if thats not bad enough...Mr Bryant drives his little tag along trailer behind the trunk with all the equipment.... DB's equipment rolled in ON A DAMN TRANSFER TRUCk..... a whole 18 wheeler just for their SHIT. Stupid asses. pa!
Well anyway, we played real good, Sam was so nervous I DONt know y! we won 1rst place flag girls... i think we got 2nd place drum majors, the peoples choice award and something else i think.
But something strange happened, i realized that maybe, after all, i do like somebody. Maybe.