Torn Skin and Soul Clothes

Sep 10, 2007 10:49

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Submit your work to an exciting new anthology: Torn Skin and Soul Clothes.
Accepting non-fiction (creative and theoretical), poetry, and photographs.

See website

Body. Your body. Your lived and living body. In what ways is your body marked? Do you have scars? Plastic surgery? Tattoos or piercings?
Crazy haircuts? Have you ever injured yourself on purpose, or had the desire to do so? Do you have special jewelry or clothing that carries meaning for you?

For written work:

Write about the meaning or experience of marking your body or being marked.
Write in a creative and/or theoretical vein.

Some thematic ideas:
-In what ways do your body markings carry memories? Have you ever marked your body to promise yourself never to forget? What do your scars remind you of?

-What do your scars or body art tell the world about you? Have you ever marked your body to create a new image for yourself? Have you ever marked your body to force yourself to be true to who you are? Have you ever marked your body to pass yourself off as someone you're not?

-Have you ever marked your body as an attempt to connect your inner world to your outer world--to communicate something you didn't have words for, to let yourself out of your body, to let feelings into your body, to bring some knowledge home to yourself?

-Have you ever marked your body out of shame--used pain or symbolism to try to silence part of yourself that you were uncomfortable with? Have you marked your body to silence forbidden desire, to transform aspects of your body that you did not like?

-Have you ever marked your body to deliberately make it imperfect, to mar its wholeness? To break your body into pieces? Have you ever marked your body to suture your broken body together?

-Have you ever felt that marking your body was related to erotic desire?
Have you marked your body to silence desire, to fulfill desire, as an erotic act? What do you make of the connection between desire for pain and desire for sexual fulfillment? Have you ever marked your body as a way to deal with a sense of sexual insatiability?

-What does your body know? Does your body know things you don't? Do you learn from its knowledge? Have you ever marked your body as a way of telling your body something or learning something from it?

Ideas for photographs:
-photos of scarred bodies or body art
-paint on someone's nude body and then photograph it -photos of jewelry or clothing used in one of the above ways--consider including written work that explains the photograph -photograph someone and then interview them about their body, submit the photograph and the interview

Submission instructions:
Please submit work by email to . If you cannot submit by email, please send an email to the above address to explain your situation, and we will make other arrangements.

Submission deadline: December 31, 2007.
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