An old dream...

Jul 01, 2007 08:45

I have a dream journal. I rarely add to it as I usually forget...but I just added a dream I had last night.

I was reading through some older stuff and I read this one from November 3, made me laugh...


A crime had been committed and in order to bring the criminal to justice me needed to find his red bandanna. We searched a house and didn't see it. I knew I could find it and I concentrated. I ended up finding it inside a young man's ice skate, over his sock. He gave it to me. Then I found some pills that were also related to the crime. I had all the evidence I needed. I couldn't wait to let someone know, but I couldn't tell just anyone. I had to be very careful.

Next I was on my parents' back porch which my dad had built. It had several levels with a spa and pool and it was all enclosed. It looked wonderful. More and more people started to arrive and admire the porch that was as large as a house. Suddenly it turned into a cruise ship and it began spinning as to turn around to go the opposite direction. While turning we got very close to a seafood buffet and a gal next to me grabbed some shrimp. I ate one.
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