i am in a surprisingly good mood today. plus it's gorgeous outside. i hope it sticks around for a bit, both the pretty weather and my :) mood.
i somehow have 4 days off work!! i feel like i need to take a roadtrip or something.
i haven't done my taxes.......i never even turned them in at all last year....uh oh, i hope they don't decide to put me in jail or something. i dunno, i think since they owe me money and not the other way around maybe they don't care. whoever "they" even are.
(/update/) just filed my taxes online. i wish i knew they were that easy..it always seemed so difficult when my grandpa did my taxes before. shit i should have filed them online last year...at least now i know/)
(i put off too much until it's too late..which i need to work on)
i have some fun boots, purses and othersuch to sell soon. i don't know if i should put them on ebay, put a little shop on my lame website, or maybe post on here? hmmmmmm. if you have extra cash to spend let me know and i'll let you know what i got. ;)