What i did today

Nov 29, 2009 10:00

  • 18:20 @ vielleicht OMG your moving?? what happened to your old place? #
  • 18:21 @ JeffreeStar I agree. I think that's why people like things like post secret so much...they'd rather the whole world know than their friends #
  • 18:21 I hateeee decoratinggggggg :P #
  • 18:26 @ vielleicht I'll take a present! and you don't even have to flat rate it to me, i can just pick it up!! you just gotta let me know when #
  • 18:28 @ vielleicht Oh cool is it fa
    r from where you live now? #
  • 18:33 @ vielleicht totally awesome!!! When is move in? #
  • 19:10 @ vielleicht holy crap thats right around your birthday right??? #
  • 19:13 @ vielleicht Hey your house warming can be a birthday party/x-mas party too :D! #
  • 19:17 @ vielleicht I want a box!! can i pick mine up or do i still need to have it shipped? i'll still take a random grab bag type thing though! #
  • 19:
    18 @ vielleicht When i get mine i can take you to drop the other boxes like i did that one time if that helps! #
  • 19:21 @ vielleicht YAY! i am generally in that area mon and weds but this week i am also available tues!! just lemme know! OH! i got a new car! #
  • 19:22 @ vielleicht sweet! i don't really care about catagory just no clothes seeing as your SOOOO much smaller than me! #
  • 19:27 @ vielleicht Sweet! sounds awesome to me! I got a bigger car now too so if you have several large boxes it won't be a problem! #
  • 19:32 @ vielleicht Okie dokes just keep me posted on your sch and we will figure it out! have fun and good luck!! #
  • 22:33 @ vielleicht I thought you were sorting! the frustrated part but bored! i would think it'd be cool to look at your collections! #
  • 23:45 @ vielleicht I love rediscovering my own stuff!!! :D but tedious i am sure it does get! #
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