Title: Shadows (1/?)
Author: soulsearchr
Characters/Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: M (at some point)
Warnings: Adult situations
Disclaimer: "Legend of the Seeker", its characters and situations from the show are property of ABC Studios, Disney, et all, as well as Terry Goodkind. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.
Summary: This is my first attempt of fanfic of any kind, so please bear with me. Of course, it involves our two girls and some of the trouble they can get into. Oh... and some feelings along the way?
Chapter 1
Kahlan was being kissed, passionately. And it wasn’t Richard’s lips that had captured hers. Much to her surprise, she found it wasn’t at all unpleasant. On the contrary. When she didn’t pull away, a gloved hand came up and cradled the back of her head.
Moments later, Cara took a step back. Instinctively, she held her hands up slightly as she backed away from Kahlan slowly. “I…I’m…,” she barely whispered as she continued her retreat. Her eyes flashed to Kahlan’s for a split second and then returned to the ground before her.
Kahlan stood there, breathless; a look of pure astonishment covered her face. She was so shocked that all she could do was watch Cara as she disappeared into the trees. She stood there for a long time, staring at the spot where the blonde had entered the forest.
As the sunrise came dancing across the tops of the mountains, Kahlan still lay awake. She hadn’t been able to get any sleep through the night. Even when Richard had taken over the watch, she found herself unable to extinguish the thoughts that were blazing through her mind. So, when dawn finally came, she decided to get an early start on breakfast. She grabbed their water skins and quickly told Richard she was going to get some water.
“If you see Cara, tell her to come back. I’d like to get going as soon as we can,” he said with a warm smile.
“I’ll tell her, if I see her,” Kahlan replied cautiously. She turned and left the camp without another word.
Cara sat on a large rock overlooking the lazy river that wound its way through the dark forest. She stared out at the reflections on the smooth water. She had been anchored to the rock the entire night. This is where she found herself when she had fled the campsite the night before.
Her back stiffened as she heard footsteps approaching. They were too light to be anyone but Kahlan’s. A small eternity later, she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Kahlan asked with genuine concern in her eyes.
Cara just stared into the water. She couldn’t bring herself to face Kahlan. Not after what she had done. She nodded, just slightly, in answer to Kahlan’s query.
Kahlan sighed heavily, as she walked to the water’s edge and began to fill the water skins. “Richard wants to get an early start.”
Cara made no response.
Kahlan turned to look at the red clad figure. Cara’s eyes never left the water. Kahlan studied the stoic Mord’Sith for a long time. Finally, when it was apparent that the blonde had no intention of speaking, she returned to her task. When she had finished, she decided to try one more time. “Cara… please… will you look at me?” she pleaded.
For just a moment, the Mord’Sith looked as if she would comply, but then apparently changed her mind. She closed her eyes and when they reopened her solemn mask fell upon her features once more.
“I just want to know what’s going on with you. I know you don’t want to talk about it. But I need to know that you’re okay,” Kahlan said barely louder than a whisper.
“I’m fine, Confessor.” It was the only thing Cara could choke out without losing the control she was barely maintaining.
Kahlan decided to push just a little more. “What was that last night?” Kahlan moved to stand in front of the blonde.
Slowly, Cara’s eyes rose to meet Kahlan’s icy blue gaze. Her face wore its stony Mord’Sith mask, but her eyes revealed a depth that Kahlan had never seen before. Guilt, sadness and something else that Kahlan couldn’t put her finger on were all present in that one look. Her heart melted instantly as the realization struck her.
The Mord’Sith in Cara finally regained total control and her eyes once again became unreadable. “I’m sorry, Mother Confessor. I don’t know why I did that,” she stated matter-of-factly. She had expected to see the anger on Kahlan’s face, but it wasn’t there. Confusion crept in again, trying to sneak around her carefully placed walls. She immediately looked away when Kahlan’s eyes softened and her hand reached for Cara’s cheek.
Every instinct Cara had screamed at her mind to back away from this dangerous situation. Every instinct, except one. In that moment, that one instinct became dominant and Cara remained exactly where she was. Frozen.
Kahlan’s hand found her cheek and she melted as Kahlan softly stroked her face. Her eyes closed as she desperately struggled to reform those walls.
But before she could, Kahlan spoke softly. “I know why. Oh Cara… I…”
Kahlan’s words were cut short as Cara’s walls suddenly slammed up. “Don’t…” Cara whispered.
Kahlan’s hand fell away to her side, as Cara’s eyes once again became cold and unemotional. Still she couldn’t help but try. “Cara, I know that you feel something for me. Something more than just friendship.”
“Mord’Sith don’t believe in feelings, Mother Confessor.”
Kahlan knew that arguing with the blonde was useless at this point. “We’re not finished with this conversation. Far from it. But we need to go before Richard and Zedd come looking for us.” Her tone was one of authority. Then, she turned and headed back toward camp.
Cara rolled her eyes, but turned on her heels and silently followed Kahlan. Today was going to be a very long day.