Feb 21, 2004 05:23
Firstly, a copy of Peter's journal. I am of course doing this to show you all how excellent and cool and fab and funky my musical taste is, and how much better it is than yours and how i'm just basically much cooler than all of you. And i'm bored...
Step 1: Open your MP3 player.
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: Write down the first fifteen songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing
1.The Postal Service-The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
2.Ben Kweller-In Other Words
3.Martin Grech-Twin
4.Yoko Kanno-Tank!
5.Pastel Vespa-Tubthumping (dear lord, thank you :D)
6.Dizzy Gillespie & Charlie Parker-Confirmation
7.Can-Oh Yeah
8.Jimi Hendrix-Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
9.Radiohead-Trans-Atlantic Drawl
11.Eric Schoon-A Song For Emma
Err, I think I'll stop now. Having just realised how boring this list is for myself, I shudder to think what other people who probably care even less than me will think. REALLY! I'M NOT THIS UNCOOL!!! Come on, I read Vanity Fair.........................
So yes, tonight. I attempted to record a song but got, well, nowhere. I should really be frantically studying for my impending exams and, of course, reading and writing my dissertation. I was starting to wonder if I should choose a book/author to do yet... Actually! A poll...
Q: Should I drop English and focus solely on music? Should I drop them both and get a job as a part time hipster/Jony's gay lover? Should I? Well...?
God, I am so bored. In this boredom I seem to have developed a worrying addiction to Sainsbury's spicy tomato ketchup on cheese on assorted biscuits. This will of course only worsen my growing obesity. But, oh well..
I really have nothing much to say, which is odd. But. I'll keep typing anyway, into the morning. Or perhaps not. Please all forgive me when (or should that be if) you read all this. It really is drivel. La la lalala.